LMAO! I don't even know how to reply to the rest of the PM. ^.^
I'll see what I can do. I'm sure if I can get ahold of him and get him to understand he'll come back.
You mean what's my favorite hallucinogen? That's tough. LMAO Mescaline, LSD, Ibogaine, 2C-E, it's a really tough decision. But I'd probably have to go with Mescaline.
You're glad you didn't commit suicide! Burning your receptors out like that isn't good! LSD is holy sacrament. I have great connections to amazingly pure acid from all around the world, but I only do it a few times a year.

If by E you mean Ecstasy in the sense of tablets, you can't know what's in them unless you get the tablet GC/MS'd in Europe so that's not good! In all likelihood it wasn't MDMA.

I'm not really fond of MDMA anyways... Now MDA. That's some good shit.

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Seems as if Ndanger has taken Shepj and I's mantle eh?