Recent content by medicinaluseonly

  1. medicinaluseonly

    Big winners under Bush

    At least we wouldn't be mired down in an unwinnable war with 5-10 americans dying daily, and untold Iraqis biting the dust! Yes we wouldn't have your precious tax cuts but believe me, if I saw 50 bucks in tax cuts it was a miracle! You right wing or whatever the fuck you want to call yourselves...
  2. medicinaluseonly

    The Libertarian Creed

    Sorta sounds like libertarianism is like Anarchy, everyone for themselves and screw the next guy, as in I've got mine, fuck you and I'll fight to the death to defend it. Everyone owns themselves and no-one can tell anyone what to do, yup anarchy for sure!!! That form of non-governance would...
  3. medicinaluseonly

    Voters Guide 2006

    I don't know much about Rick Santorum or Imus. I know Imus does some charity work on his ranch with youngsters, and he looks like he might have sparked a joint or two. I wonder If skunk is right about the Ex-smokers, I know ex-cigarette smokers are the most anti-smoking fanatics.The theory on...
  4. medicinaluseonly

    Big winners under Bush

    I'm still looking for the 29% of idiots whom have lost many things they had before Bush and still support him, are these people martyrs, do they like getting fucked, Oh them of little brains!
  5. medicinaluseonly


    My God, it's about time. Do you think chaos' book had anything to do with it, I mean, couldn't they see that for all the talk the asshole acted less like a christian than Hitler, Geezes how fuckin dumb are they? He was laughing behind their backs and slippin them the old rod. I just don't get...
  6. medicinaluseonly


    Hold on, there are some right wing phoblicans heres about, just hold on. There are people dumb enough to support Bushs' position, just look at the poles, what are they thinking? yeah 39% of the people still are stupid enough to support the asshole, Go figure! I'm assuming those are corporate...
  7. medicinaluseonly

    Lurch sticks the entire shoe store into his mouth.

    I guess you haven't noticed all the hoopla by the FOX channel and the Rove-o-crats, Thats all that's been on every channel for 3 frickin days. What about the body bags, lets see some of those, lets see some of the soldiers with missing body parts while Bush-Cheney cuts Veterans benefits, lets...
  8. medicinaluseonly

    Harvest Time

    I guess you answered my how was it question! I'm wondering if I'll be able to handle my widow when she blooms, as in thar she blooms! Remember, I'm not a mega stoner like you, I'm probably a huge lightweight. There was a day when I'd smoke em under the table, but not lately. I'll Have to ease...
  9. medicinaluseonly

    Man Grew Strongest Ever Cannabis (That The Police In The UK Ever Seen)

    What the hell do you think THC (tetra-hydra-canibinal) is. THC is a strong hallucinogen with medicinal propertys, it's only that we ingest such a diluted amount that we don't hallucinate. If you took a large dose of THC (yes it's a drug) it would make LSD look like candy. BTW, did you go past...
  10. medicinaluseonly

    Answer any indoor growing questions

    lol, if it were only that simple> Don't be sendin any buds through the mail or it's night night for bonzo. Look in the grow section of this forun, it's pretty laid out for you, how much light, water, soil condition, cooling, ferts etc, but about the buds in the mail, forgedaboutit!
  11. medicinaluseonly

    Big winners under Bush

    Here's my link: your brain. It doesn't take rocket science to see that Bush has given a pass to corporate America on everything from taxation to environmental regulations, while the "Middle class" has been slipping farther and farther behind. Job loss, Medical expenses, Fuel expenses...
  12. medicinaluseonly


    "Potheads, who needs stinkin potheads", "lets just crush them, Arrrrggggg"! "I'll be back"----Arnie!
  13. medicinaluseonly

    The Libertarian Creed

    How sweet of you! They're going to be lookin for real estate agents in Nevada as soon as the pot bill passes, not as if we're not already overcrowded. Now instead of Mexicans invading, It'll be all the potheads from Ca. and points east! I'm trying to figure out a way to get rich behind this so I...
  14. medicinaluseonly

    On Chavez's speech ...

    Have you ever seen a 500 lb. dog, I haven't, but the fact remains, "It would take a big dog to weigh 500 lbs." or there's 12 in a dozen, or fifty cents is half a dollar! Forget the bakers dozen! Or tuesday is the day after monday and the day before wednesday! Facts is facts!
  15. medicinaluseonly

    Lurch sticks the entire shoe store into his mouth.

    Here I must question the theory that mainstream media is liberally biased! There are only 2 talking heads I know of that are liberal leaning, Keith Olberman, And Lou Dobs, and Lou Dobs is more conservative on some issues like border security! The Main news shows are controlled by corporate CEOs...