Recent content by mdsurf

  1. M


    haha well ill call you up if anything ever gets carried out haha
  2. M


    Nobody's tried any of this? anything like it? know anyone who has? ideas on possiblities?
  3. M


    any application of an auxin would speed up growth and make it possible. The mother pant is cut in a T shape while the stem is cut off the other plant it a more intricate way than i can't* show using letters haha. Either way it slides into the flap of that t and then you wrap in and...
  4. M


    i have tossed the idea about grafting alot of buds onto a plant. its kind of funny to think about but in all definatly possible. Its called bud grafting. If you were to have a mother plant, decently developed growing stable. And you had numerous smaller plants of different variety. Could...
  5. M


    yeah but most of the facilities devoted spend much more time on THC uses and applications (in medicine and elsewhere) as well as commercial hemp. The soil science and culture practices of the actual growth process. Also they are greatly limited in there research tools and what they are allowed...
  6. M


    thats very true. It would make it easy and LEGAL, but at the same time nothing can 100% predict the ability of nature. There are too many curve balls. If one were living in another country and simply had one average size greenhouse devoted, all this and more could be done in a few years...
  7. M


    I hope to put in alot of time and effort over my life into these ideas and techniques along with others. It is a fun hobby for me, and being in the industry it seems feasible. Not in the USA of course because i am not willing to spend my life in jail. But in a specific other place of low...
  8. M


    hey So i wanted to just toss a few ideas around and see if anyone had any knowledge or input on some possible cultivation techniques. Im an agriculture major, and constantly look at my notes and think "could i apply this same lab work to herb?" So thought i'de throw a few topics out there...
  9. M

    Medical Advise

    cool. I did know about dry sockets from getting wisdom teeth out... no straws or smoking is probably a good rule the first few days. So that means eddible? any suggestions?
  10. M


    So, in excatly 6 days i have some surgy on my jaw. Basically, i have to get a bone graft from the back of my jaw to the front. Its a relativly common procedure that sound pretty terrible. But it could be alot worse. That being said, there will be a decent amount of PAIN involved and i will be...
  11. M

    Medical Advise

    So, in excatly 6 days i have some surgy on my jaw. Basically, i have to get a bone graft from the back of my jaw to the front. Its a relativly common procedure that sound pretty terrible. But it could be alot worse. That being said, there will be a decent amount of PAIN involved and i will...
  12. M

    flowering question?

    yes yes, definatly will post pics when i get my camera tomarow! i honestly couldnt tell you, and ill have to go count. Its only under 3 cfls. ill let you know more tomarow, so please check back!
  13. M

    flowering question?

    So i had this little guy (maybe 15inches or less) that was pretty spindley and not much of a plant, that started flowering by accident. Turns out my little guy was a little girl. I was pretty happy and not expecting to much from a thing i found and threw in a pot, judiging when i tried to...
  14. M

    Simple Grow?!

    so basically i had a plant in the garage, my dad asked me to move it, so it maybe had about 4 or 5 sets of leaves probably 10 inches tall, reall spindly, all the leaves were on top, nothing on the botom for 8 inches exept stem. i didnt really care about it cuz it had already gotton so streached...
  15. M

    Simple Grow?!

    thanks for all the tips, when i was talking about the box, i didnt mean i would put a lid on it it was just sumthin for the plants to kinda be contained in and drain water into, they be growing open. maybe the cfl's are 120 w equivelent, they are about the size of my wrist and maybe 6 inches...