Recent content by Loony$Tune

  1. L

    Need some opinions

    All my new growth is coming out like this anybody else ran into a problem like this I’m using emerald harvest, and I always use under recommended amount for the nutrients, all opinions welcomed.
  2. L


    Can you change the lighting schedule with auto flowers currently running 18 6 now
  3. L

    Literally running out of options gonna trash this plant

    This the other plants I have in the tent, the big one has been my biggest issue since I’ve had it from a clone
  4. L

    Literally running out of options gonna trash this plant

    Okay I haven’t watered it in 2 days I’ll give it another couple and see what happens but literally since I haven’t watered it it’s looking worse
  5. L

    Literally running out of options gonna trash this plant

    Haven’t over watered it and it’s on a schedule watering I just don’t know what else could cause this please help
  6. L

    What do you think

    Thanks a lot for the information this is easier with help cause by myself I make it harder then it needs to be lol
  7. L

    What do you think

    Man I got them from one of my boys as a clone, and I snap the branches with over doing my stress training. With trial and Error so I had to cut 3 main branches and this is what I’m left with lol,
  8. L

    What do you think

    I got a question to the skilled growers... what can my issue be I use under the amount of nutrients, my room stays between 68 and 73 degrees I got fans running and humidifier to keep the room no less the 43% if they run out of water while I’m at work, I ph my water and for the most part do...
  9. L

    Beginner problems

    That’s my guy I’m going to evolve my situation and and try again thanks for the advice
  10. L

    Problems in the grow tent

    And I think it’s potting soil
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    Problems in the grow tent

    It’s the soil the hydro store recommended
  12. L

    Beginner problems

    The max was like 81 degrees Fahrenheit, and my humidity was not consistent couldn’t get it to stay in comfort, even with humidifier.
  13. L

    Beginner problems

    And I also was told that not having those fans weren’t a Necessity during the veggie state
  14. L

    Beginner problems

    Yeah that makes sense that was going to be my next moved I ordered a intake and out take fan
  15. L

    Beginner problems

    I literally had this all happen in three days smh, that’s why I posted a lot of the pictures and the hygrometer pics also