Recent content by larrymelman

  1. L

    So you want to grow pot outdoors eh?

    and another thing, you goddamn dumbshit, your look at ya, ranting like a lunatic. Go fuck yourself
  2. L

    So you want to grow pot outdoors eh?

    Another obvious lie from the pathological liar. No one is importing weed into states where it's legal, you stupid fuck. Though you're dumber than a bag of mud, even you wouldn't be dumb enough to smuggle weed illegally across state lines all the way across the country to one of the few states...
  3. L

    So you want to grow pot outdoors eh?

    Hey looky there, you made it through two sentences without fucking anything up. someone ought to stick a gold star on your report card.
  4. L

    Botrytis Cinerea

    That you stole off some message board. Hey, have a look at this house I built-
  5. L

    So you want to grow pot outdoors eh?

    ya, a lot of Yeah, a lot of white pistils. They just started dying a few days ago. Only about 30% of them are dead.The trichomes are all milky and only a tiny percent have started to amber. It got down to 37 one night before I enclosed it with plastic, and when I set up the lights back in mid...
  6. L

    Botrytis Cinerea

    Of course you aren't. You're lying when you say you're growing weed.
  7. L

    So you want to grow pot outdoors eh?

    Crying? My weed is doing great. It hasn't been over 50 here for over three weeks and it's rained every day, but I've kept it dry, in the 70's day and night, kept the co2 to 1300 ppm during daylight hours, used 1400 watts of supplemental lighting and have fans running to prevent fungus. I've got...
  8. L

    spider mites at harvest

    look at that, you didn't even try to deny it. You're not just gay, you're creepy gay. I'm straight dude, leave me alone.
  9. L

    Botrytis Cinerea

    You're not anonymous anywhere on the internet you stupid fucker. You're lying about growing weed. No one that had hundreds of plants growing would be shooting their mouth off about it on the internet. Hundreds of pounds of weed would put you in jail for the next 10-20 years if you were busted...
  10. L

    spider mites at harvest

    Look at that Freudian slip. All you really want is for me to blow a load in your face, admit it.
  11. L

    Botrytis Cinerea

    I'm stupid? You're the one shooting your mouth off over the internet about a crime that you claim to be committing that would send you back to jail for ten years. You're a pathological liar and the only reason you get away with your bullshit is because most of the posters here are too young to...
  12. L

    Botrytis Cinerea

    Love the optical illusion in this shot. The size of the hairs show that you held a bud the size of a quarter right in front of the camera and then put your hand a foot behind it to pretend like you were holding it in your hand so it appears to be 10 times bigger than it really is. What a loser
  13. L

    Botrytis Cinerea

    Oh yeah? So which is the truth, you harvested it in august or your harvest hasn't started yet? Then you say shit like this that shows you're a clueless idiot- So it's just starting to dawn on you that rain and moisture causes bud rot? How many years did it take you to make that connection...
  14. L

    Botrytis Cinerea

    I'm not the one that claimed your buds are moldy, you are. By your own admission, every outdoor crop you grow gets moldy. You're a dumbshit. Like right now, you live in a state where it's illegal to grow weed but you're still shooting your mouth off about all the weed you grow. No wonder you...