Recent content by kpmarine

  1. kpmarine

    Kochs Try To Register Cat To Vote..

    Better question: How many people don't vote because they can't afford to pay the DMV for an ID? Even better question: Why do I pay taxes and yet have to pay for identification?
  2. kpmarine

    Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

    I just had to throw on those dress blues; you jealous? I didn't tend to point out logical shortcomings. Probably because "I'm a Marine" gets you laid much more often than "I'm a Vegan".
  3. kpmarine

    Obama:women "still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns," is a lie? Say it ain't so!

    You have failed the basic trolling course by voicing your target. You have also failed Buddhism by trolling. Damn, you're a double failure.
  4. kpmarine

    Obama:women "still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns," is a lie? Say it ain't so!

    I'm falling for deflection while pointing it out? Please feel free to explain that.
  5. kpmarine

    Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

    Ad-hominem and further red herrings.
  6. kpmarine

    Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

    Reductio ad absurdum
  7. kpmarine

    Obama:women "still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns," is a lie? Say it ain't so!

    Since you had the option of responding to someone else, yes.
  8. kpmarine

    Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

    Of course! Everyone should just become an employer! Oh, wait...
  9. kpmarine

    Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

    Emploees can't renegotioate anything without employer approval, thus making it the opposite of "unilateral". However, businesses have a habit of making changes to their standards without informing their workers. That is the epitome of "unilateral".
  10. kpmarine

    Obama:women "still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns," is a lie? Say it ain't so!

    How silly, 81% is so much better than 77%.
  11. kpmarine

    Michelle Malkin visits Pot Shop!

    "Savant" has no sexual context. Furthermore, what is your question?
  12. kpmarine

    Michelle Malkin visits Pot Shop!

    Contextual burn.
  13. kpmarine

    Michelle Malkin visits Pot Shop!

    Evolutionary biology disagrees.