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  • A million paths to the top of the mountain my ones path is the right path for all. We must all walk it the way we know how.
    Grrr....spidermites and Mag def!...It's going to be a great week. Thank god for Mighty Wash and Cal-Mag.
    This mighty wash works great too. I have used neem, and azamax. I like them both. I also recently found out that peroxide will dissolve the eggs. So I do a 6 day treatment just for good measure. Mighty wash one day, Peroxide the next, repeat for 3-4 cycles. From now on I'm just going to hit all new clones with mighty wash (or neem or azamax) treatment for the first week and a half just to make sure they are clean.
    Mighty wash just kills the shit out of them and doesn't leave survivors...The reaction is actually one that they can't get a tolerance too. It literally blows them up. I'm pretty sure that it's water that has had some kind of electrolisis treatment to it. Like a Colloidal Silver. Anyway it always looks like the Apocalypse after I hit them with it. Nothing lives.
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