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  1. josiahlee420dailyyy

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    lol......I was just saying that rain water wasn't a "pure" source of the compound H2O. Who was scarmongering?
  2. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Turning yellow/brown with LED UFO

    Yeah, they have a couple different kinds of charts like this. This one was the easiest to read. It gives you a good idea of the "sweet spot". That's why we're all here hopefully. To help each other out.
  3. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Turning yellow/brown with LED UFO

    I was recently hit with a ph problem similar to this. I ph'd my water everything was going fine. Got comfortable, and stopped ph'ing my water. Eperienced a problem similar to yours. Thought hey I'll give them a good ol' flushing. I just hooked up the hose and went to it....turns out within a...
  4. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Turning yellow/brown with LED UFO

    I agree it's a ph problem with either the water or the soil (too low probably, and probably the soil's ph). It's a fine line. Potential hydrogen problems are ( IMO ) the biggest things that newer growers encounter. There are absorption charts. On soil if you go under 6 and above 7 you'll have...
  5. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Sea-of-Green: Grams per inch thread

    Sorry guys this isn't about a Sog. More so about what Mad Hamish said. Yeah here in Colorado, no one uses hydro anymore. It's all organic soil with compost teas and "super soils". It's the little guys in the soil putting in the work. Nutes are a multi-million if not billion dollar industry...
  6. josiahlee420dailyyy

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    lol....The fact that CFC's cause acid rain should be a tail tell sign that our atmosphere isn't a pure source for water. It's full of trace elements,gasses and bacteria. But hey I'm no scientist, I just play one in a lab. Do whatever you want to do, but I find that half of this site is Kids In...
  7. josiahlee420dailyyy

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    Do you even science?...Ok yes it evaps,But the atmosphere is full of other gasses and bacteria that bond and leach onto water molecules. <-true fact. The atmosphere is actually higher in Nitrogen than Oxygen. In short these chemicals and nutrients bond with water as it falls through the...
  8. josiahlee420dailyyy

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    I would and wouldn't say that...Probably 85-95% of the time people are just evaporating expensive nutrients. Pissing in the wind Perse'. I do use it to raise humidity and If I ever have a problem with a lock out due to soil issues ( over watering/over nutes, ph, root rot..etc. Sometimes it's the...
  9. josiahlee420dailyyy

    My Girls are doing too well what should I do

    Yeah you mean FIMing or topping. I would say top. depending on how tall it is FIMing might cause some weird results (lessen the yield) if flower is induced 2 weeks later. Mainly because FIMing causes more shoots sometimes than topping so instead of 2 collas you might end up with 3-4 smaller...
  10. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Turning yellow/brown with LED UFO

    Calcium in tap water is actually too large for the plant to absorb. It can cause a "blood clot" type effect, stopping the plant from absorbing nutrients. Looks like cal-mag def or nitrogen "burn"...didn't really look at the pics too well. I would say cal-mag. If you are using tap you may want to...
  11. josiahlee420dailyyy

    In need of experienced advice on new grow room "please"

    Dude I've been battling MOFOS trying to tell them about inductions. People think I'm full of ish. Some of the largest grows here in Colorado are switching because of the energy pull. Especially when you are talking about 10,000 lights.
  12. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Which is better?

    I'm not going to reply to this article anymore as I find that it's just pointless. Seriously was just trying to put out some really good information to anyone willing to listen. I guess people aren't ready to hear that you can grow just as good product on 400w and not have to replace the bulb...
  13. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Which is better?

    500,000 sq ft divided by 16 sq ft (4x4 grow coverage area) = 31,250 lights x 1,000w =31,250,000 watts per hour...and that's a super low estimate just in case someone wants to know where I came up with the figure they can check my math.
  14. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Which is better? I said believe what you want to believe. One of the largest is running IGROWs. They did over a year and a half of research before they even fully invested. lol...yeah I'm just making all of this up because of why?...I don't sell these. I'm offended you guys take all of this as a joke...
  15. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Which is better?

    LOL you'll eat those words broshi. The marijuana industry is BIG business here in Colorado. Some of these grows pull over $100,000 a month energy bills. It's kind of a problem if you would read the articles we have a massive demand for power. or just google marijuana projected annual sales in...
  16. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Which is better?

    Hahaha....You have no Idea about the Marijuana boom here in Colorado. Seriously over 9,000 lights in the grow operation. Here is a link to some of the ish that's going on here.
  17. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Which is better?

    No. I just know the guys doing this. I'm serious when I say that these are replacing 1,000w HPS systems. I have seen the results first hand. I live in the Nederland where Grow In Peace is located. It's where I get all my grow supplies. The people wouldn't bullshit anyone. It's all about getting...
  18. josiahlee420dailyyy

    Which is better?

    Yeah I'm full of shit right. lol here's a little video about the world's largest indoor growers switching to IGROW so STFU.
  19. josiahlee420dailyyy

    question about ventilation and carbon filtering

    Passive intake usually causes a negative pressure that wants to implode your tent. It's really best if you pull air from a fresh source. This is why most people run co2 in grow tents and sealed rooms. You don't need co2 if you are pulling from a fresh source. Plus if your tent is in a grow room...
  20. josiahlee420dailyyy

    question about ventilation and carbon filtering

    There is a reason that everyone who is successful does it the same way. Listen to purple and not to green. You'll save yourself some ducting and probably your plants. You need to circulate the air inside your tent. Unless you are running co2. If not they will NOT be happy nor will they grow to...