Recent content by joshuatragedy

  1. joshuatragedy

    Help with ventilation setup!

    so im setting up a room. what should i be looking to calculate to figure my size of fan for the room to accurately circulate air and such? im still pretty nobbie herre!
  2. joshuatragedy

    my baby momma

    the grainage is fine! it always has been. i have holes on the bottom sides of the bucket, and also in the bottom of the bucket. ive been learning that i may be exeriencing root problems because of mositure. so i have only been watering maybe once a week now. my fertilizer calls for a application...
  3. joshuatragedy

    my baby momma

    so y should i be putting in the egg shells? i bought a new fertilizer. 9-4-4. its alaska natural fertilizer. the guy at the store told me it was an organic fertilizer so i decided on it. i was tryin to upgrade to an HPS or MH bulb, but this is my first grrow and i wasnt anticipating my expenses...
  4. joshuatragedy

    my baby momma

    here she is at 65 days, ive put the lights on a solid 18 hours of light, and cut back from all the flourescents, to just the single compact flourescent suspended from the ceiling. it is raised about 12 inches from the plant. i have only been watering about every 3rd day now.
  5. joshuatragedy

    my baby momma

    thanx guys, i will let u know in a few days how everything turns out, and i will also post new pics!
  6. joshuatragedy

    my baby momma

    thanx, i have been thinkin maybe watering every day was a lil much. i saw it as adding fresh nutrients daily, because the bucket drained so well? i've also been foliar feeding every few days?
  7. joshuatragedy

    my baby momma

    im watering every night before the lights go off. sometimes in the morning also. im using miracle-gro organic soil. i have very good drainage in the bucket also.
  8. joshuatragedy

    my baby momma

    here are more recent pictures of her also. the pictures below are at 52 days.
  9. joshuatragedy

    my baby momma

    defnitly a newbie here.... this is my first plant, i got a clone from a good friend, and have been workin on her now for 55 days. she has great color to me, smells nice, no real problems to my knowledge, but i feel like it maybe a lil short? am i just worried cuz im a new grower? im growing...
  10. joshuatragedy

    The main 15 types of organic fert

    ok.... so.... Tamzi.. or OhSo.... i am tryin to do a fert thats 20-5-5, im very new to doing these organic teas and ferts, am i suppost to just mix the ingredients listed above and add the numbers to make that makeup??
  11. joshuatragedy

    Miracle_Gro Organics?

    thanks goat. uve been great help. ill let u know how the plants are going. i also found some people saying willow tree tea will promote root growth. have u tried this method?
  12. joshuatragedy

    Miracle_Gro Organics?

    so goat, what if u flush the soil between growth cycles? that would rid the soil of the nutrients that were put into the soil correct? and yes i am planning?wanting to use organic teas for my pots, but what mixes should i use for stages of life? or will any general tea work?
  13. joshuatragedy

    Miracle_Gro Organics?

    so i ended up buying miracle gro organic soil for my pots.... im still in the grow stage.... should i be adding nutes? and if so what can i be doing? i am seeing all the different tea recipes? what works best for he different life cycles? im pretty new to indoor and organics, so sorry if im...
  14. joshuatragedy

    My Little Garden

    also, my lil' room, i have decided to go with a 175 watt HPS light, most likely i will use that panda stuff for the walls, or a nice matte white paint job? my last question i guess, people are telling me it might be a lil cold out here in the northwest, specially in the winter. my room is an old...
  15. joshuatragedy

    My Little Garden

    im only plannning on one plant for now. i would only expand to four plants max.