Recent content by James Carmichael

  1. J

    11/9 the day legal pot died

    I agree. That is one of the main problems with legalizing anything, the government wants their share of the pie and taxes the heck out of everything to the point it almost doesn't feel worth it. Not to mention putting regulations in place. It seems more fun to rebel a little and smoke your stuff...
  2. J

    I germinated! Now what?

    Hey all! So I successfully germinated my 6 seeds and will be potting them within the next 2 days. I will be running a 900w LED in my grow tent and am not sure if that will be too much for my newly potted seedlings. Should I make a mini box w/ CFL to house the seedlings until they have leaves...
  3. J

    what game or game series can you not go on without

    I know it sounds lame, but I think I have been addicted to ‘Football Manager’ since….1990 somewhere whenever the third or fourth game came out. I have been buying the latest edition every year now …for a long time. I absolutely love the game and I could never imagine being without my favorite...
  4. J

    Anyone Here Use Probiotics?

    I have used them before, I really did not notice too much difference to be honest with you. No my bowels weren’t suddenly magical, I think psyllium husk was far more effective in getting me to go to the bathroom. As long as you have a relatively decent diet, I am not sure if probiotics are even...
  5. J

    Anybody Else Here on the "Be the Match" Bone Marrow Donation Registry?

    I am not even going to lie, the primary reason that I have always been afraid of doing that is A. Because I am terrified of needles and B. Because I have heard that it hurt like a bitch. However, it has to be an amazing feeling to know that you are literally able to save someone’s life, that you...
  6. J


    Shoot that is one mistake that I would NOT want to make. I do love jalapenos though, they make just about anything better if you love really spicy food (which I do) I think that your story might have actually inspired me to start planting them myself, does it say how long they have to be in for?