Recent content by Hornman3

  1. H

    Discolored leaves

    Gone and over watered the one blue cheese today and now she is all sad and droopy
  2. H

    Discolored leaves

    Thanks I might be. Just concerned because I am vegging them for longer than I expected and I no longer follow the nute schedule. I also want to report before they going into flower so they can go into their final resting pots of 7 gallons. Just trying to keep the size contained a bit at the moment.
  3. H

    Discolored leaves

    Hi all, I need to feed my plants today and was hoping for some advice before I do. The one plan is looking quite light green and not very healthy, problem is I’m not entirely sure what is wrong... I have included pictures and think you can tell which of the three I am talking about. I have 2...
  4. H

    Removing fan leaves

    Great thanks for the advice!
  5. H

    Removing fan leaves

    Hi all, Looking for some advice again. This is my first time growing photo periods and I think so far so good. I topped a couple of days ago and I’ve been doing this tucking technique with the fan leaves to try expose the shoots coming through. Would it be an option to cut these fan leaves off...
  6. H

    Dark web for buying weed?

    Ah right I see, this is where my issues lie as I am not that side of the world.
  7. H

    Dark web for buying weed?

    Thanks for the responses. @Kalebaiden when you say access to legal mail-order weed sites, what are those. Basically I have my own setup but can’t produce at the rate that I consume. Tired of buying from the street because the quality changes and I almost always get shorted in quantity.
  8. H

    Dark web for buying weed?

    Has anyone used the dark web to order weed before? Wondering what sites are and aren’t legit and if anyone has some experience on this would greatly appreciate it!
  9. H

    Time to top?

    Great thanks for the advice!
  10. H

    Time to top?

    Hi all, this is my second grow (first time growing fems). All going well so far, I’m just looking for some advice on whether the plants are ready to be topped or if I should wait longer to top them. I’ve seen some different info on the net and thought to ask some experienced growers as you guys...
  11. H

    Nutrient deficiency?

    They are in 16 liter pots. I have been making sure the top of the soil is dry before watering, could this still be an issue? I haven’t checked the PH of runoff or anything like that, I figured feeding with the correct PH level should do the trick.
  12. H

    Nutrient deficiency?

    Watering about 2 times a week, but I’ve been checking to make sure the top inch or so is dry before watering. PH has been between 6.6 and 6.8 for each water and started them out in root pouches with biobizz lightmix
  13. H

    Nutrient deficiency?

    Hi all, Hopi g you might be able to give me some advice on my plant! I started off feeding biobizz nutrients at quarter of the recommended dose and as the plants seemed to handle this upped it to 1/2 and then full dose. After the full feed I noticed what I thought was signs of nutrient burn...
  14. H

    Seedling leaves curling slightly

    Great, thanks for the support and advice!
  15. H

    Seedling leaves curling slightly

    Wow thanks for the speedy response! I’m not too concerned about the cotyledons, but on the first set of actual leaves they seem to be curling and pale green toward the stem of the plant but no issues on the tips of the leaves. Not a major concern at this point but worried it turns into a bigger...