Recent content by Hookabelly

  1. Hookabelly

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    best movie ever
  2. Hookabelly

    RIP Dick Gregory

    I listened to a sound byte where he was saying that there was mercury being added by the government (?) to food and drinks. (I think it was mercury, can't remember now, maybe lead)
  3. Hookabelly

    The Gods favor @Sunni Happy Birthday and others

    very astute. * 'night SM :-)
  4. Hookabelly

    The Gods favor @Sunni Happy Birthday and others

    Slow summer, soon about to be missing
  5. Hookabelly

    RIP Dick Gregory

    He had some kooky ideas toward the end though
  6. Hookabelly

    The Gods favor @Sunni Happy Birthday and others

    Tanks. Just made the rounds. Some are notoriously missing.
  7. Hookabelly

    The Gods favor @Sunni Happy Birthday and others

    That particular May 18th was pretty gnarly around here. :peace:
  8. Hookabelly


  9. Hookabelly

    Cultural differences, learning to coexist

    *comes back to RIU from the abyss* WTF is this thread? LOL
  10. Hookabelly

    Need some honest advice

    more likely from a box (wig that is). I can't cast stones either as I help out my hair color too.
  11. Hookabelly

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    shudders. I can't even fathom it. Thank you BB and GWN for giving me the heebie jeebies all morning.
  12. Hookabelly


    Wow, congrats. Only I thought you already had a baby. Must have misread. Around the time you were posting pics of your chickens and (maybe ducks?) I swear I remember you telling you were expecting then. Hope wife is feeling ok.
  13. Hookabelly


    boobies before newbies
  14. Hookabelly

    Happy Pi Day

    junk·ie ˈjəNGkē/ noun informal a drug addict. synonyms: addict, abuser; More a person with a compulsive habit or obsessive dependency on something. "power junkies" But who's counting?