Recent content by Grail

  1. Grail

    First medical micro grow for cbd strain

    Awesome! Thankyou sir
  2. Grail

    First medical micro grow for cbd strain

    Ok thanks, looking to use 1.5x1.5 tent approx, 300 watt light (Hi-Par 315W CMH Sunstorm Kit) eventually ill do hydro but prob start in soil as its first indoor grow.
  3. Grail

    First medical micro grow for cbd strain

    Hi everyone. Im planning on doing a small single cbd dominant plant grow. With the idea i can harvest an ounce or so every few months and do clones to keep supply up.Just wondering what size tent and minimum light wattage i could use to keep electricity bills down? Also if i should use soil or...
  4. Grail

    Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

    Sweet, ill give it a grow next season :) which seedbank did you get them through? im impressed with candidas effects not too stoney. ( though seed viability was 1 out of 3 through gyo seedbank. I think i didnt decarb my tincture well enough so lost most of the yeild. After straining tincture i...
  5. Grail

    Candida CD1 20 cbd: 1 thc is making me feel stoned? Help

    I bought 3 seeds (candida cd-1) from gyo seedbank. 1 survived . It struggled outdoors and ended up with about 18g dry which i made into a tincture. I smoked some leftovers and i feel it to be mildy psychoactive . Gave me a little rise in heart rate, slightly sleepy stoney but overall relaxed Im...
  6. Grail

    All things CBD Thread

    Medical marijuana genetics Candida strain CD-1 . Supposed to be one of tbe most stable at producing high 10-20% cbd and sub 1% thc . 1 out of 3 seeds survived and it was a poor yeild but definately high cbd low thc. Ive heard dynamed and critical cure are not as stable ( some seeds throwing...
  7. Grail

    All things CBD Thread

    Hey mate, get through customs ok? I bought the full spec cbd oil from koi in uk 3000mg in 60ml for 270 aud, one got through and one didnt ( though it was refunded by company ;)
  8. Grail

    Cbd tincture

    Hi All. I made my first batch of Cbd tincture using mmg candida strain. The plant was quite hard to grow, low yeild and 1 out of 3 seeds survived. So my harvest is very precious indeed as its very difficult to acess in australia. After harvesting about 18g i ground it up, decarbed, soaked in...