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  • Im myself a moderate republican I dont follow all right or left but definatly not very much of the democatic thought in me... I believe in abortion and think religion is evil. I do not follow the democratic belif that hand outs and welfare for all process. I believe earn your living and limited stabilization government help with limits. I am for legalization of ganja and a more relaxed gun control. I say no to gay marriage and yes to a sound supported military. I say save the children..in the US first. I say help the homeless..in the US first. I say protect the borders but the patriot act is to broad.I believe in a fair one rate tax system and not penalizing those who succeed in life with heavbier fines and taxes. I dont think if you do good and take care of yourself you should be punished. I also do not believe in socialism or socialism medicine. A new reform for medical needs yes. Forced insurance of the government with fines and jail if you cant afford that noo..
    haha .... KBL ...... you're right the country is in this predicament because of bush and cheyney - but obama is MORE then obviously continuing Bush's agenda. that's what sucks. the people separate themselves into these "left" democrats and "right" republicans, when the actual politicians that claim to be either democrat or republican are actually all friends and are working towards the same major scheme. this is bigger then debating abortion and religion and firearms rights. why are all the politicians - whether left or right - are all working together for the same thing; yet they separate us as a people into these 2 main groups. it's because they want us to be distract and be talking shit about eachother so that they can complete there scheme of a One World Government. know your facts people. lets break this left and right paradigm and UNITE AS A PEOPLE. viva la revolucion
    yes i respect the office more then Obama himself does but I do not respect Obam,a the socilistic liar he has always been and I openly believe and label those who follow him and support him as fools and socilist wanna bes without and bit of regret. I do suggest you wake up and look at who your saying you back... Health reform is needed but not in anyway Obama is suggesting. If his plan goes through many of Americas poor will be in prison unable to afford the forced paid insurancxe or the fines given for those who can not afford coverage. If you can pay the thousands in fines you will be jailed under his policies. I will never support the government dictating the people. The people hire the government to work for them and Obama wants everything his way and free welfare handout for all..Not me never will I follow a traitor
    Other countries have now met him and even France has come forth to say he is very cocky, nieve and arrogant. We are not in this prediciament because of anything George Bush or Dick Cheney did. We are still reeling from the Clinton damage and the effects on our e.conom,y due to foreign attacks on our home soil. The wars taken by Bush were necessary and reason given were accurate with 2 of 3 proven and reacted too. The current situation in Afghanastan is an exaplme of how Obama is a liar. He promised to give whatever was needed to win there but yet refuses to talk to his genearls or answer thier requests for support and equiptment. He wants to go slow and cost soldiers thier lives by not supplying thier request for help. Obama will never be my president.
    His move towards massive government control into the private sector making Big Brother a true open faced reality and hios failed attempts to mask hidden democratic plans as stimulous failures is just ridiculous. Obama put Illinois into a $12 billion dollar deficiet before he left. He helped create the worse schools in the country in Cook County with his ideas and plans and now wants to put his ideas into a fedearl plan . Only an idiot who does not research on a person would vote or back this crazy man. His popularity has fallen the fastest of any president in record time as people wake up and see what a mistake those who did not research the canidate realise he is not good for this counbtry. A self proclaimed green president who has logged more helicopter hours then previous presidents using more jet fuel then anyone in the country.
    Sorry KBL I have watched Obama destroy Illinois and have seen first hand how stupid this man is and I do believe your mislead into believing he is here to help us. I will not take it down as I believe he is a joker and a clown and he is definately a socialist and I and majority of America do not want to be forced into a socistic nation that will fail and crumble. He has already in 9 months put our country in such a bad place that it may never come back from. His errant spendings without care, his blatant lies of not taxing the midsdle class which as by next year will have the largets taxes ever leveed on the middle class will crush our country.
    Fletch, the picture below is really not cool. Please be considerate...and just for the record. Medicare is a government run program, and this country is in this predicament do to the lies of your president GW and VP DICK Cheyney. Face it man, the rest of the country .....the majority.....want better.
    Ok sorry guys I havent been on in awhile and this section here I almost never come to as I forget it even exists so questions are best sent to my pm box as I really forget how to get to this unless I get a message reminder saying there are posts in this area lol....Jamie you damn right its been a long time and Im glad you had a minute to stop by. Ill email you later you sexy pot head you....The avatar is a great one since the president is a joke it matches him perfect. No way i would support him or the democratic party I love my country to much to do that....Joey pm me with the plant problem question......Danish pm with exactly what your wanting and I will send you some info....piff what exactly are you wanting? I have a ton of stuff as far as equiptment for indoor gardening pm what your looking for...enjoytheday which aero thread is that I have posted few hundred lol
    whats up man.... I want your hooks on 600 and 1000 w lamps... I am in the market for a new set up and need 3 balasts lights and hoods.

    Thanks a bunch man

    yo wuz good wit u man? i think in tryin to buy 1. how do i get prices. i mite want 2 if u got a good deal!!lol thanx fam. get back to me. have a goo 1. peace
    don't know if you found your colloidal silver/ionic silver/silver nitrate...
    But all of these are available on line. Try out Ebay the Ionic silver was pretty cheap and already mixed. the Silver nitrate is a powder you mix with water at around 100 - 300 ppm.

    Hope that helps.
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