Recent content by febisfebi

  1. febisfebi

    DIY Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) of cannabinoids at home - tutorial

    OK so first off, thank you so much for all your help. I was able to perform the Beam's test, and I am just now finding the time to get the rest of the chemicals together. I wanted to check with you that the molecular formula and CAS numbers are both the correct product for the following 3...
  2. febisfebi

    Help. Want to oxidize THC to CBN
  3. febisfebi

    Help. Want to oxidize THC to CBN

    My thoughts exactly. This is why I said it would be quite the breeding project. No in plant synthase for it. The CBG isolate is available online all over. one example: Edit: my img won't show up. ill try and fix. it...
  4. febisfebi

    Help. Want to oxidize THC to CBN

    Yes they are selling GBG isolate oddly enough. the problem being CBG alone, and/or any isolated cannabinoid is the lack of synergistic interaction of different cannabinoids together that has real effect. I suppose you could use the isolate to boost the CBG content of your extract by mixing it...
  5. febisfebi

    Help. Want to oxidize THC to CBN

    yeah cbd has a very diverse pallate of medicinal uses but I think for a lot of us CBN may be more directly appropriate. luckily we have an a relatively easy conversion route from something already widely available, but for those looking to ditch the THC that becomes difficult. In the near future...
  6. febisfebi

    Help. Want to oxidize THC to CBN

    I would guess it is likely that one might work better than the other at least one might be preferred. Sounds like yours was fairly successful, right? But then again can't really say for sure without trying both, and it is really difficult to say without lab equipment and testing, and actually...
  7. febisfebi

    Help. Want to oxidize THC to CBN

    It looks like THC-A Oxidized directly will become CBN-A Whereas it looks like if the THC-A is first decarbed to THC, the resulting conversion with UV or whatever you use will be CBN ready for consumables. A little confusing, but it looks like there are a couple routes for conversion.
  8. febisfebi

    DIY Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) of cannabinoids at home - tutorial

    @PhenoMenal Been looking around for chemicals and such to eventually do some TLC. Had a few questions. First off I am guessing that these plates will not work? Would be nice as they are pretty cheap...
  9. febisfebi

    CBD Blitz: Find a high-CBD low-THC mother, from seed, in only 3 weeks

    Sounds amazing. Like a stronger version of what I felt with an ACDC made into an edible that readily dissolved under the tongue. Haven't tried the alcohol extraction yet, but it sounds like you are preserving the neccesary cannabinoids to create the "entourage effect" which as you noted simply...
  10. febisfebi

    CBD Blitz: Find a high-CBD low-THC mother, from seed, in only 3 weeks

    glad to see you are still around! what strains you have access to?
  11. febisfebi

    CBD Blitz: Find a high-CBD low-THC mother, from seed, in only 3 weeks

    Candida looks like a good proposition for those looking for high CBD low THC. I was suggesting the dinamed plus if you were still doing testing. sorry to hear that is no longer the case. I still wonder how the stability of the industrial hemp strains out there compare to the questionable...
  12. febisfebi

    CBD with less than .03 THC

    So even someone interested in growing a few hemp plants for their own personal use still needs the same license as a farmer cropping many acres? I can't imagine they would even grant you a grower license if your proposed farming land happened to be your backyard or spare bedroom. I would...
  13. febisfebi

    CBD with less than .03 THC

    Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong in any way. From what I understand, as of Dec 20 2018 hemp is legal to farm in the US. If you grow one of these hemp strains, you should be able...
  14. febisfebi

    CBD with less than .03 THC

    100 is for a pack of 10 fems I believe
  15. febisfebi

    Industrial hemp with high quality CBD output

    Anyone tried any of these yet?