Recent content by Determination

  1. Determination

    Hermaphrodite problem

    I will burn them alive and post a photo. We will have snow by then and the contrast of flames and snow will hopefully add to the aesthetic. I have wondered, after all, whether those little LED lights explode when heated. See you in March.....
  2. Determination

    Hermaphrodite problem

    If removing those blurple lights doesn't do the trick your idea is the one I will follow after that try. My problem is I have a couple varieties of feminized seeds I paid real good money for so I have to give them one more try. We shall see.
  3. Determination

    Hermaphrodite problem

    I used to love a good rip off a waterpipe but the coughing had to go. Now I have a couple dry herb vapes plus it's fun to make green dragon infusion. Sure, those two choices make seeded herb easier to deal with, but I'm missing the extra potency and flavor of sensi bud. I think I mostly miss...
  4. Determination

    A Warning Call

    Fascinating, isn't it? It's like 1933 Germany all over again. Except it's 2024. Who'da thunk?
  5. Determination

    Hermaphrodite problem

    Hi, I have unplugged the blurple light strips but now beginning weeks 7 of flowering there's nothing more to be done with this crop but let them finish then try yet again. Once thing for sure about hermaphrodites--they will keep you up at night. I'm trying to not feel so shitty about them but...
  6. Determination

    Hermaphrodite problem

    Hi, Since I started my little grow setup about four years ago, I've had excellent results using one 1000 watt led grow fixture with a brightness control knob. I don't know how the bud I wound up with could have been any better. Then I had the "bright" idea of adding a half dozen strips of...
  7. Determination

    Grow Hermaphrodites until mature?

    As far as I can tell it happened at about week 4 flowering. I keep a pretty good eye on them.
  8. Determination

    Grow Hermaphrodites until mature?

    Hi, I know about avoiding light leaks etc, and I follow basically the same process in the same grow box every time and at this point am past the learning period of making dumb mistakes. I'm leaning toward poor seed genetics as the problem. I've always used ILGM seeds and wonder if that company...
  9. Determination

    Another ILGM Feminized Gone Hermie. Grrrrrr!

    Same thing just happened to me again with White Widow seed from ILGM. I just noticed the baby seeds and some nanners today at the beginning of week 5 flowering. I've gotten seeds from them for a while. The last grow was ILGM Durban Poison and were perfect. The grow before was GG4 from them...
  10. Determination

    Grow Hermaphrodites until mature?

    Hi. It's not the best day here because I found my feminized White Widow plants are hermaphrodites. This also happened two grows ago with GG4. the following batch of Durban Poison were perfect. Now I have I have six White Widow plants in flowering week 5 in my indoor grow chamber and all are...
  11. Determination

    Cool Morning Pulse

    I have the capability to grow outdoors in summer but not the freedom so I must rely on stealth. I'm busy in the summer anyway so the current setup suits me to carry on inside in 3 of 4 seasons. The summer humidity would be murder indoors. To grow is a challenge in such a small chamber but I...
  12. Determination

    Cool Morning Pulse

    Thank you. Oh yes tasty--especially in a dry herb vape. And what an energetic, fun high! This is my homemade grow chamber. It's not very big but it does the job. I don't think I have the time to do a whole grow journal. Maybe when I retire....
  13. Determination

    Cool Morning Pulse

    I found a photo of one of the plants from my Durban Poison grow which was taken before chopping this last early June. Maybe you can tell by the lighter in the one gallon pot the plant wound up at about 13 or 14 inches tall....
  14. Determination

    Cool Morning Pulse

    Hi All! Has anyone tried what's called "Cool morning pulse" (aka Cool morning drop) as a method to reduce stem elongation during cannabis early flower stretch? This method was initially developed for greenhouse operators as a way to keep their poinsettias compact so more plants could fit on...