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  • Here's my journal so you can see some pics, haven't updated lately but they haven't progressed much.

    I've also been thinking about topping or an LST method. I don't feel like doing this topping method I saw because you wait until the 5th node and cut at the 2nd, so your losing a lot of growing time. Think you could show me where you found instructions on your methods? Which one did you like better?
    Hey just reading through your journal right now, about half-way through.
    I just started my grow almost 3 weeks ago (Since they sprouted in the dirt) it's an outside organic grow in SoCal and was wondering what you think I should do from here based on your experience. (I do plan on reading the rest of your journal but want to ask questions right now in case I don't find my answers.) So far I haven't given them anything besides water, soil, and sun. I won't start the nutes until they get bigger, maybe about 6 weeks. But I feel like I should start giving them some food right now. I think I've determined the differences between food, nutes, and supps. Does giving them a Guano Tea provide them enough food if you do it maybe once a week? Or am I going to need to get stuff like worm castings, blood meal, and fish emulsion in the soil to feed them?

    I have millions of questions, sorry if this too much.
    Thanks BTG
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