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  • Its a nice sight with autos I've never heard of before. Might want to be careful, all there seeds claim 15% and higher. I dont know about that. But I have come across low smelling strains before. Have u ordered from them before? If so, go for it. The "little red ryder hood" sounds good.
    So far I've only grown skinky stuff. Before I can grow the White Widow I will have to do something about odor control myself. Hang in there. A fan and a open window helps alot to. Later and be cool
    Yeah, I to have an odor problem. We live on a pig farm but it still smells inside. I was thinking about a charcoal canister with an inline 6 inch fan venting out the window. Do you have close neighbors? They do just start takin off. I'm surprized in comparison they seem to add a 1/3 more leaves every 4/5 days. This will be the sexing stage. Man I can't wait to see your final results. Will be nice. Posted a comment on the seeds pic itself. Later
    I knew something was wrong but I just did'nt know what. I'm glad to hear that all is well now. I know that your box and lights, along with the final product, will even impress yourself. Hell I can't wait to see some progress on those girls. Not that the window sill wasnt working but this will produce much better results.
    I'm not sure which one I like best. the Himalaya is a bit branchy to where the russian is tighter to the main stem. Hopefully the Lowryders will be showing sex soon. Kind a anxious is get rid of males so I can have more room. Talk to ya later dude.
    Very nice biteback. Plants are looking great. Leaves filling out and everything. Fantastic.
    I put some more pics up myself. Theres a big difference in 4/5 days. I labeled them w/age so u can compare different stages of growth. Check em out, they are next to yours on the group pics. Or u can go to my page and open the 3rd grow group. Probably can compare them better from my page. Keep up the good work and I'll talk to ya later.
    If the free seeds didn't come labeled, then there more than likely bum seeds. If aluminum foil is all u got, then I'd use it. If the space can be painted, paint it mat white not gloss white. With the foil, there's a certain side your supposed to use. Give me some time and I'll look it up in my book. Shit man your going to town on the grow space. Glad to here it. Your weed will thank you with hours of pleasure. Later dude
    71 degrees is fine. Make sure it stays between 22C and 29C. At that temp. and u say there is air circulation, I'd say u dont need a fan. But, a fan does more than circulate the air. It also moves the plant and strengthens the stalk and roots. Just a thought. Your doing great with your plants. Keep it up dude, you'll be smoken soon, later.
    Posted a comment on the pic itself. Not sure how that works. U may have to go to the grow group and click your pic to read my message. Sorry dude.
    Very good partner. I knew u were working on the project. So, did you get a temp. yet? I'll bet its fine. Can't wait to see the pic. talk at ya latter, the Rip.
    Hay, did I tell you yet? My Russian Rocket Fuel and the Himalaya Blue Diesel are both females. I was/am pretty happy to know for sure. Especially since I only had 1 of each planted. I hope to be able to sex the Lowryders in a week. Hows it going anyway?
    No problem dude. Sounds like u got it under(no pun intended) control. And your right, the light is the most important item right now.
    So all is well with the better half? Thats good. Once u grow a plant from start to finish, indoors, theres nothing like it. No worries about storms,thieves,nosey neighbors or any of that crap. Yeah, anyway, throw the light to those girls and lets see some buds soon. Later and any time.
    I think that with a small box with 4- 26 watt grow bulbs would work for one plant. Maybe as far as the water bottles go, maybe tie a string around the frozen bottle and place it in front of the fan to cool the lights. But u will b changing bottles alot. Although I do think that this is a great idea. If u had a couple of old speaker boxes, u could take the bottom out of one and attach the two and have a nice tall box. Drill holes for light and fan and your done. Or, u tell me what materials u can get and we'll come up with something that will work for you.
    Ok, when u drill a hole in the top, only make it big enough for the cords to slide through(remember the plug has to go through the hole to) then u could put a few nails or screws in the top to tie the lights to to keep them from touching one another. You may need to borrow a couple different hole saw sizes. This just makes it easer and neater to put in the right size hole the first time. Good luck and let me know what else I can do.
    I know its expensive as hell. But it also works really really well. I think High Time Magazine wrote an article on the subject. The other positive thing is it's cheap to operate.
    Give this newer technology some time to get acclimated to the growing world and the price will go down. Then we all can afford leds.
    I'm game. But I already foliar feed. Just be sure your not soil feeding and foliar feeding on the same day. Foliar feeding is a fast track to the plants veins. I could not foliar feed a couple of Lowryders #1's and seed how that goes. I'm a fan of at least feeding this way when watering with no nutrients. So yeah, if this plan will work for ya cool. If not, we'll see what I can do. Later
    Cutting it was the right thing to do. I saw your photo, I said to myself, thats exactly what I would have done. Doesnt even look like the damage was ever there. Very good Doctor Bud.
    Your right, the best way to pollinate would be the natural way. I read somewhere that it(pollen) could be kept for 2 months in the freezer. But I dont know.
    One day I'll come to Europe. Thats one reason I want to travel. Change! All I know is America. There's a whole world out there that I'm dieing to be a part of. My wife and I have been trying to plan a trip to Amsterdam. If we do I'll be sure to get ahold of you before we leave. But who knows.
    Hopefully I get the pics up tonight. There doing real well. Course I dont know weather there female or not. Should be able to tell in about 10 more days.
    The pollen is kept in a sealed vile in the freezer.
    Oh, by the way, did u get my email?
    Your plants should be lookin alright by now to. Your right though, cold conditions will make her grow slower. Hang in there, you'll have Romanian bud soon. Talk at ya later dude. Stay warm!
    Hell yeah it will. This might be a stupid question but is pot legal there? Except for this sight, I,m pretty much (like yourself) at work or w/the family, well, and the plants. I've always wanted to go to Europe and your deep into Europe to.
    Got some pics but I havent had time to even put them on the computer yet. Hopefully tonight. Talk at ya later dude.
    Dude your hilarious. Thats what I thought. But when u add in the wife element, well, there you go.
    Quick question. My wife was reading my posts and pointed out that I cuss alot when I'm writing. I hope I'm not offending you in any way. Please let me know, I guess thats just how I talk. So I apologize and will try to remember my manners.
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