Recent content by bigstensy

  1. B

    Had to spray during flower

    Much appreciated, thank you! I know the soap naturally breaks down in a few days, but I’ll spray with water anyway
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    Had to spray during flower

    My bad, they mean Jadam wetting agent and Jadam Herbal Solution. Homemade natural pesticides used in Jadam ultra low cost natural farming, invented in Korea. Stuff definitely works, just hoping it didn’t stunt my plant too much
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    Had to spray during flower

    Jadam Wetting Agent and Jadam Herbal Solution, they’re homemade natural pesticides. The wetting agent is just homemade liquid soap made with lye and canola oil, and the herbal solution is made by boiling specific herbs in water for hours. I made mine with ginkgo leaves. Definitely wiped out...
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    Had to spray during flower

    I’m growing an auto that is a couple weeks into flower, and was forced to spray with JWA and JHS last night due to a thrip/fungus gnat outbreak in the tent. This morning all the pistils are orange and shriveled. Did I ruin it, or will it be fine?
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    MN says hello

    I know that specific fungi helps with phosphorus uptake, so adding it to your soil would be really beneficial. Also, depending on the quality of your IMO collections, it may already be present!
  6. B

    Hello from Royal Queen Seeds!

    ordered some of the Mike Tyson Gelato 44, and started two in soil blocks. Very strong seedlings, sprouted in like 2 days! Can’t wait to get them in the ground for the summer! Have also grown the Northern Light auto, which was delicious
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    MN says hello

    I’ve been organic gardening for over 10 years, and have learned SO MUCH about Korean Natural Farming, Jadam, and the soil food web in the last 4 years. If u wanna know how to spend little to no money on fertilizer, I’m your guy