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  • Baconswiss I am still learning this site doesn't look like you can PM but I have an idea for what might be a very efffective simple aero planter its very simple and somewhat cheap for real aeroponica americana I did try to put a post for eveyone to see as this idea is VERY simple but I believe it would work and would like someone to hear what I have to say and try it out and let everyone know if it is good horticultaraly as I do not have the resources capital or place to have a grow of my own you could say I am one of those stoners who have studied the cannabis and what makes good horticulture for the last at least 10 years I have studied I have had a couple closet grows and found out the hard way you can't have enough air movement and cooling someone let me know if they want a technical description of the planter and probably about 400$ for a 10 site high energy TRUE (low pressure planter)aeroponics
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