Recent content by ak40kush

  1. ak40kush

    Gel2Root Any good?

    I actually purchased this product cause it was the only thing avaliable at the time. you can put 3 cuttings in each cube so total you will be able to do 18 clones. They only cost me 10 dollars for the tray of 6. I dont know why but my cuttings will not take root in these at all. I feel like I...
  2. ak40kush

    C02 Generator's Help

    I brew my own beer so when its fermenting it produces co2 i just take my blow off line and keep it in a pitcher of water (to prevent contamination of my beer) and i put that in the grow closet. works like a charm been fermenting for a week straight @ the rate of a bubble per second. Not to...
  3. ak40kush

    I just figured I would post this to see if you come on at all anymore.

    I just figured I would post this to see if you come on at all anymore.
  4. ak40kush

    COLLEGE And Growing

    other skills will include plumbing,pumps, and some electrician skills. but thats for indoor. out door is more so based on horticulture, botany, some biology. look up courses from natural resources schools Ex. SSFC (sir sandford fleming college) here in Canada. good luck with your mission man!
  5. ak40kush

    UVB reptile lighting

    I was curious about the effectiveness of these lights in a grow. they are made to replicate the suns light. My friend has them for the many many reptiles he has at his place. apparently they are cheap,last a while, and don't use as much power as expected. If anyone can give me some...
  6. ak40kush

    illinois marijuna laws, true false?

    and now to fustrate you glad i live in tollerant Canada where the cops are still assholes but atleast most of them are lenient on herb. i got my figers crossed for you guys though, the world needs reform. Fucck with how paranoid the western world is about pot id swear they were high lol
  7. ak40kush

    Ouija board?

    the way I see it is 'who cares really?' if you want to believe it then believe if you dont then dont. i personally have enjoyed reading your experiences true or false its been entertaining for me. hell that would make a good story for pub conversation!
  8. ak40kush

    neighbors have caught me!!!!

    if possible re-locate the grow. if they confront you alone about it all just say that you have an auto switch in your shed so you dont step on some sharp tool or some bullshit. if they ask to see its none of their business. if your gone for the day PUT A LOCK ON THE SHED! hope this help and im...
  9. ak40kush

    Netherlands is attempting to ban drug tourism

    Its not legal in here in canada. its just tollerated by the mass of the population. if your unlucky some asshole pig will confiscate and give you a ticket, depending on how much you have of course.
  10. ak40kush

    Waking Up Drunk and I Love It

    i dunno why but this makes me think about my best friend for some fucked up reason every time he drinks gin he tripps out no word of a lie. other alcohol doesn't do a damn thing to him than get him drunk.
  11. ak40kush

    Beer is a growers friend... in more ways than one

    shit my bad i mistook the information presented infront of me.:shock: well now that thats straightened out! Another bit of info ive heard is using a little more Phosphourous in your ferts to regulate Ph levels.
  12. ak40kush

    Blue mystic x big bud

    man if it was good " mind blowing" stuff then take the mystic part add it with skunk hence "mystic Skunk"
  13. ak40kush

    Blue mystic x big bud

    nothing is guarenteed with genetics until you have carefully selected the best plant after a few generations through that cross breed. if your serious about this try both crosses and see what gives a better desired result and then go a few generations with the best plants to develope a solid...
  14. ak40kush

    Beer is a growers friend... in more ways than one

    I have no idea if that would work man and besides why use beer to balance your Ph you can use bakingsoda if you really wanted to but monitor that because Im sure you know that bakcin soda is a strong base. not to mention cheaper. I was also going to recomend to you that if you insist on beer...
  15. ak40kush

    organic 5 footer

    next time you grow once you are ready to put seeds or seedlings in the ground mix some spent coffee grinds in the soil it will enrich the soil with extria nitrogen. it will help give them a good organic start.