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  • Hi I have a problem with my plants and at Jan 16 i decided to post a message for help,
    and I found that a moderator must see my message before it turns active.
    I said OK but the moderator is getting late, so today i post a new one. Same thing my post is still inactive. I cant understand if there is something wrong with my posts so please tell me what's happening. I need help so my posts must turn active.
    If I had done something wrong please let me know so i can fix it.

    Besides being a member of your forum, I also run seedism seeds.

    I would love to send you some of our genetics to give away to your members, or as a price for a contest.

    Would you be interested???

    Let me know.



    i tried to upload pics but it said about a security code. can u help me out please? thanks.
    Hello my girlfriend made an account on here and never recieved any activation email. She has tried several emails and it never worked. No activation email. If you could help in any way possible it would be greatly appreciated
    Please, I need a little assistance. For some reason my posts are coming up as needing to be reviewed by an administrator prior to being displayed. This is a 2 day hold process as my question to the admin in the help section just hit. I just attempted to respond to that query, and it again said I must wait for an administrator to approve. I'm not for sure what is going on...? If I had done something wrong, then I would like to know as to not repeat. If this is a means to discourage my posts, why not just kick me off & close the acct? I'm cool if you want me gone; don't know why, but ok. I'm trying to understand and/or get my acct cleared. Again, if you want me gone, please just let me know. Thank you for your time.
    thanks for the award. I wasn't sure if the coffee was going to be strong enough, but Kona always comes through... Thank you
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