The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I don't usually check, but goin on the livers I cut a few weeks ago, it was flowering for ten weeks, looked ready at nine even but when I chopped it I looked after and there's was still some clear trichs, a bit deceiving the livers. Usually never check the trichs so dunno when to pull these livers they could maybe do with 11 weeks but well see. When u pull ur livers zeddd
yeah I think trich dev can be bollox but the calx never lets me down, I pull the livers at 10, got a beauty on the go in the flower room at week 3......I decided to put more hours in and hand feed each plant with its own nute mix plus top dressing bat shit, im trying to leave out all mineral nutes this grow and topdressing with bat shit....healthiest livers ive grown so far

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I need some metal corners fabricating for this damn tent soon, replacements are too expensive and it's a ball ache trying to put it up on your own without stressing the plastic shites.
I've cracked another 2.


I'll pot em up into 10's shortly.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Get a fucker to me ill be the judge of that lol na wen yr ready mate ill take 1 off ya hands like I said sometime nxt wk ill take a slh cut for u !
Nice, I've got a few in the prop so when they're ready.

Cut a couple for me and I'll send you one of each as I've 2 different pheno's from seed.