The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
So wer ye been chedz? I had thot u left here cos u wer too scared of the Pepsi challenge sambo was offering u
No shame in bein scared of sambo he is a ginger fat ugly fucker I mean come on he looks like summet from under the bridge haha the only pepsi challenge id av been doin is something along the lines of tomatos lol


Well-Known Member
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heres how the 2 young girls in the clone tent are looking today, ive not really paid much attention to them for about a week or so, they got their 1st feed in a week today and i decided to start traning the exo, the PP was already trained but i have bent back the new branches on that as well 2day, going to get more soil 2morro so will be re-potting them into 10L pots they are currently in 2L pots, once repotted im gonna veg another week then into flower, also got a load of clones in the prop that have just started rooting so will be getting some of these potted up and some posted out,


Active Member
Hahaha chedz I've been wondering when you would show your head . How are you ? Where the fuck did you go you just seemed to have vanished . You still growing ? Afternoon lads .
long story mate but yh im back lot a few cuts that I need to get back but alls gravy pal!! Hope yr livin the dream lad and you and yours is sweet !!

Chedz you still got Laz's Lemon?
yes mate that and the exo only tho wounded ay the word lol!!

I think most people on this thread have came back with a new profile, including u welsh wizard? No?
leave him to it the div dont know wot he is chattin

If that's what I think it is yorkie remember 50quid a pop lol


Well-Known Member
Fuck me still go the lemon ? That needs intoducing back to the comunite lolol . Cheers yourkie I'm out shopping with the mrs at the moment soon as I'm home ill sort it out . Topman . & this shit with chedz . I don't know what happend with you oweing money that's your buisness mate but what I will say is you sorted me out a few times in the past especially when I was up your kneck of the woods . Soo everybody chill he said he's sorting it . Let's all grow in happyness for fuck sake ��


Well-Known Member
Nope. Frst time on RIU is as WW.

Was fucking wary of forums. Only recently grew the balls to post.
So you've only been on here 4 months? How come u sneaked in without gettin ur balls busted like a noob, most must have thot u wer someone else to let u away like that cos it's definitely not ur input to the thread that done it ffs


Well-Known Member
to be fair hg welshy did put up with a bit of abuse from me...hes got a short fuse tho.......get back to yer bread oven ya cunt...sorta thing, I think hes just a tad reserved and a bit moral


Well-Known Member
to be fair hg welshy did put up with a bit of abuse from me...hes got a short fuse tho.......get back to yer bread oven ya cunt...sorta thing, I think hes just a tad reserved and a bit moral
Ha Thats pretty much it man, I dont really get into the namecalling and that shite normally.

Just say when I dont like the look of something.

Also seemed to escape the normal shit people get on here and just lurk when a newb comes on. Got nothing to add on ripping people unless it really pisses me off.

Yeah only been on for a few months. Been on a couple of other forums but not RUI.


Well-Known Member
So you've only been on here 4 months? How come u sneaked in without gettin ur balls busted like a noob, most must have thot u wer someone else to let u away like that cos it's definitely not ur input to the thread that done it ffs

Dont really post on this thread, occasional pics and that's it. Touchy fuckers in here so I dont make waves.


Well-Known Member
to be fair hg welshy did put up with a bit of abuse from me...hes got a short fuse tho.......get back to yer bread oven ya cunt...sorta thing, I think hes just a tad reserved and a bit moral
Musnt have bit much like the rest, no fun when they don't bite lol. I chopped a whack off them plants last night zeddd. Took a good full tight bin liner off them lol, actually cut more than I'd planned but probly could've cut more but thot I'd leave a good bit for hash too, had too pull them all out to do it which probly stressed them more than the cutting


Well-Known Member
I also started chopping LA's down last night. Sins and Blimburns getting an extra week or maybe 10 days if they really really need it

Just waiting for amber


Well-Known Member
I also started chopping LA's down last night. Sins and Blimburns getting an extra week or maybe 10 days if they really really need it

Just waiting for amber
u go on trich dev with a scope?...I go on calyx formation...think hg is the same in this regard...?

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
I was only jokin mate no need to sulk lol the thread did make me lol tho
nigga already to sour to sulk......i was expecting you to bring up better then that though....ive made some proper silly posts before but such is life......

got some picks of some recovering slh x sc beans.....which ive now renamed super lemon cherry haze :)....i didn't like smelly fingerez and dirty fingers just reminded me of an ex lool....but cant upload em..

defo going into the f2s if i get a male the slh genes seem very recessive so far....


Well-Known Member
u go on trich dev with a scope?...I go on calyx formation...think hg is the same in this regard...?
I don't usually check, but goin on the livers I cut a few weeks ago, it was flowering for ten weeks, looked ready at nine even but when I chopped it I looked after and there's was still some clear trichs, a bit deceiving the livers. Usually never check the trichs so dunno when to pull these livers they could maybe do with 11 weeks but well see. When u pull ur livers zeddd


Well-Known Member
u go on trich dev with a scope?...I go on calyx formation...think hg is the same in this regard...?
Calyx have pretty much stopped swelling, The scope is more to back myself up. I've not got a shit load of grows under my belt like you pal. Still need to make sure of things every now and again.

Yeah got a 60x - 100x scope


Active Member
nigga already to sour to sulk......i was expecting you to bring up better then that though....ive made some proper silly posts before but such is life......

got some picks of some recovering slh x sc beans.....which ive now renamed super lemon cherry haze :)....i didn't like smelly fingerez and dirty fingers just reminded me of an ex lool....but cant upload em..

defo going into the f2s if i get a male the slh genes seem very recessive so far....
Lol nigga haha we aint no african thread pal you ll find those in the seeds forum lmfao I aint no troll unless you fuck me off and I av all the ammunition I can right hear lol ask sambo we love a good ole slaggin match and there aint much u can av me up on lmao

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I don't usually check, but goin on the livers I cut a few weeks ago, it was flowering for ten weeks, looked ready at nine even but when I chopped it I looked after and there's was still some clear trichs, a bit deceiving the livers. Usually never check the trichs so dunno when to pull these livers they could maybe do with 11 weeks but well see. When u pull ur livers zeddd
I'm pretty sure Oscar says it's done in 9, after that it doesn't get any heavier and starts to drop off.