The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Lmao dst been a while mate !!
And before any fucker says anythin about me owing people on hear id like to say I owe 1 person and it as been sorted by message on here. Not gonna be stupud and say wot I did on ooen forum but ill tell ya that the parcel could nt of been sent from were I was lets just say it was an experience I dont wish tto av again lol freeeeeddddoooommmmm


Well-Known Member
you don't really need a veg space to keep a few clones sae. could you not just pop a couple in the airing cupboard (or any cupboard or cardboard box, or even under the bed) with a small cfl on em?


Well-Known Member
remind me never to put you forward for any positions at MI5 or MI6, chedz, not exactly inconspicuous. So while you been away you lost the ability to grow decent bud then? lmfao.....


Active Member
remind me never to put you forward for any positions at MI5 or MI6, chedz, not exactly inconspicuous. So while you been away you lost the ability to grow decent bud then? lmfao.....
Lol m15 hahaha
Its good to be back in here shit I ve missed the banter. As for me skills no mate still got em I was king of the pottin shed muhahahaha

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
All good banter shauny I ve seen ya skills ya just need to stop tellin ya neighbour shit lol hard lesson but u needed to lob it
oooooo a watcher.....i wonder just how many people read this thread for ages but just don't say anything.... exochedzz you feel better now for comming out the closet? Lool


Well-Known Member
You have just posted a pic of Chedz harvest from a way over a year ago. So if you claim that is yours then you are Chedz. Too funny.

Uncle Buck, come on man, using banter that was even old when Myers used it is below what I would expect from you......crooked teeth indeed, snore.
actually D uncle buck was fairly accurate...teeth are fuked


Well-Known Member
well, just when I thought the thread was getting did ya buy your mrs that X5 ....?pos imo


Well-Known Member
All good cheers mate, will get some pics up at some point today for yas all, just gotta wait for lil un to not be around lol.

Basically tho(until the pictures) all 4 plants are now about 12-15" high, all 4 have been topped and all 4 tops have been chucked into soil as a nice ghetto way of cloning since my Aero-cloner sprayer has decided to fuck up lol, due to space restrictons and etc its looking like I may have to return to 12/12 FS as I simply have not got enough space to have both a flower AND veg area and therefore running from clones is just not looking practical what with lack of space and also a fucked cloner lol

If I do return to 12/12 FS will be looking for someone to keep hold of some genetics for me for 6months-1 year until i can manage to get out of here and into a house again as I would love to run these strains a few times but is just not going to be practical until im in a house n have a working cloner lol
Ghetto cloner aye sounds nice Lol...glad your all up and running sweet mate bet it feels good don't it..its hard when restricted on space ain't it its not very practical when doing a small thing...never done a 12/12 fs before seen a few of your old pics tho and look pretty big do you give them any veg time or is it literally 12/12 as soon as they sprout??...what genetics u got aswell? Lol


Well-Known Member
Ghetto cloner aye sounds nice Lol...glad your all up and running sweet mate bet it feels good don't it..its hard when restricted on space ain't it its not very practical when doing a small thing...never done a 12/12 fs before seen a few of your old pics tho and look pretty big do you give them any veg time or is it literally 12/12 as soon as they sprout??...what genetics u got aswell? Lol

Literally just 12/12 FS mate, used to average about 1.5-3oz a plant no matter what the strain

Genetics ive got going atm

Qrazyquake X DOG
Qrazyquake X Livers
T.H seeds S.A.G.E( not massively bothered about this one as can always buy more seeds)

Its just the QQxDOG n QQxLivers ill be looking for someone to keep hold of tbh, can always buy more seeds of the SAGE so not too bothered about that