U.N. Asks U.S. To Justify Latest "Cruel, Inhuman" Drone Attack That Killed 15 Yemen C

the desire to nuke is based upon their insatiable desire that everyone become Mohammedans..let me know how you feel when they knock down a few buildings in Sydney with airliners..

How do I know you don't have a desire to shoot men who draw soup cans?
the desire to nuke is based upon their insatiable desire that everyone become Mohammedans..let me know how you feel when they knock down a few buildings in Sydney with airliners..

Yeah, like that. Seriously the mid-east is lucky it has not been glassed over. We are remarkably restrained, sometimes. And now we have neutron pulse devices, and don't need the pesky blast and contamination. We would not need to drill though radio-glass to get the oil.

We can, above all nations, practice wholesale and pinpoint killing, retained infrastructure, bio-wipe out and forehead laser shots from Space.

Now we bring to the fight the oldest weapons, Patience and Restraint, with the newest, Hunter/Killer Robots. Still we all know what the nuetron bomb is for and it might just be a matter of time.

They make damn good missiles. Rayth is the Blue Chip of defense stocks. IAC, more important. What course? How did you do?

You hear a lot of cools stuff on the links, but, it is the game.

aguila golf course near laveen, az. shot 80 with three double bogeys.
my worst round in months. i shot 73 at san jose muni with three missed putts inside 2 feet last month, and 76 later that month.
another tear soaked story of the evils of the US, based not on facts but rather how you FEEL about the facts.

in wars (like yemen's long running battle with mohammedan fundamentalist extremists which was NOT caused by the CIA) sometimes the innocent are not spared the thunderbolt. they dont give a shit about the wedding parties the AQAP have machinegunned, blown up or otherwise assaulted, all that matters is the UNFAIRNESS of drones.

it doesnt matter to the stiffs if they got blowed up by a drone, a cruise missile, a dumb bomb dropped from an aircraft, or a truckbomb driven by a dipshit who thinks he is gonna win 72 virgins and 28 smooth young boys, they are just as dead, but it sure as fuck matters to the press.

if we stopped using drones and started sending ground troops, that would be so much more FAIR, since the hajis could shoot back (though they still prefer bombs, and have an even greater preference for defenseless victims).

claiming it's TORTURE is just another idiotic whimpering attempt to distract from the truth which remains:

Half of yemen is in the hands of militant fundamentalists in AQAP
Yemen cant stop their attacks on yemen, or the rest of the world.
Yemen WANTS the US to smoke their nest of vipers for them
Yemen cannot do this themselves, and they have almost no intel on the ground
If the poor innocent civilians in AQAP territory dont wanna get blowed up, perhaps they should invite AQAP to leave.

or perhaps a drone should be dropped on ur fucking head when ur at ur cuzzins wedding..... yeah they should just ask nicely for a.q. to leave... just like rahm Emmanuel should ask the 100k plus gang bangers in the city of Chicago to just leave.... lol im sure both parties will agree to just pack up and leave... I feel sorry for these 15 people.....
or perhaps a drone should be dropped on ur fucking head when ur at ur cuzzins wedding..... yeah they should just ask nicely for a.q. to leave... just like rahm Emmanuel should ask the 100k plus gang bangers in the city of Chicago to just leave.... lol im sure both parties will agree to just pack up and leave... I feel sorry for these 15 people.....

Well, that is helpful, indeed. Do you even know what this Sky Killer Program is about? I mean really about? Do you think we spend these billions in Nowhereville, Yemen, Goat Track 2, Rural Route 0, just for our own amusement?

Are we asking anyone to leave Yemen or, are the Jehadi gangbangers a Clear and Present danger to our Homeland?

I know, a very uninformed few, might think the US govt is out of control and the People are sheep, blah, blah. But, really WE the People are doing this for a reason.
Do you really think WE are going to spend millions of dollars a minute, just to harass a few people, here and there?

Do you think WE will ever, kow tow to Jihad?

This is only the beginning of the Robot phase of an old conflict, and Jehad still intend to force Islam on the world. And being they are so vicious about it, and misogynistic, I think we should be taking it as seriously now as Thomas Jefferson did.

He sent the Marines, and we still do that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Barbary_War

It is War. It is still on. Blame Bush, yeah. Good one. Maybe many think we deserve it, started it, fine. We did not. This is what stated it. And really, it started us into our Defense Posture, also.
In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:
It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.[SUP][21][/SUP]

But, that means we can never stop, because it is an Indoctrination and Subjugation conquest that is being practiced by our enemy.

Nope, feel sorry if that is what you do, but, WE bomb the shit out of these bastards and their bastards, because we are attempting to save ourselves from Domination. "We are plowing deep, now, brothers." as the Spartan saying goes. Or, "All standing are scythed," stuff like that.

So, boo hoo is right, if Jihad ever gets started here.
Well, that is helpful, indeed. Do you even know what this Sky Killer Program is about? I mean really about? Do you think we spend these billions in Nowhereville, Yemen, Goat Track 2, Rural Route 0, just for our own amusement?

Are we asking anyone to leave Yemen or, are the Jehadi gangbangers a Clear and Present danger to our Homeland?

I know, a very uninformed few, might think the US govt is out of control and the People are sheep, blah, blah. But, really WE the People are doing this for a reason.
Do you really think WE are going to spend millions of dollars a minute, just to harass a few people, here and there?

Do you think WE will ever, kow tow to Jihad?

This is only the beginning of the Robot phase of an old conflict, and Jehad still intend to force Islam on the world. And being they are so vicious about it, and misogynistic, I think we should be taking it as seriously now as Thomas Jefferson did.

He sent the Marines, and we still do that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Barbary_War

It is War. It is still on. Blame Bush, yeah. Good one. Maybe many think we deserve it, started it, fine. We did not. This is what stated it. And really, it started us into our Defense Posture, also.
In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:
It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.[SUP][21][/SUP]

But, that means we can never stop, because it is an Indoctrination and Subjugation conquest that is being practiced by our enemy.

Nope, feel sorry if that is what you do, but, WE bomb the shit out of these bastards and their bastards, because we are attempting to save ourselves from Domination. "We are plowing deep, now, brothers." as the Spartan saying goes. Or, "All standing are scythed," stuff like that.

So, boo hoo is right, if Jihad ever gets started here.

I donno what ur getting at... but every single major religion in the world has claimed lives and lots of them... every single major religion at some point was on some convert or die shit.... it
I seem to recall a month or two ago viewing a beheading of a religious leader with a pocket knife..Mohammedans exude seething hate from their pores anything that is not them..ANYTHING..that includes mulleted Aussies who needs a co-signer for his McMansion..

your a xenophobic skank. And yep my brother and girlfriend are co-signs on my mortgage, that's not something I'm embarrassed about. This is how you keep wealth in your family. You cant even keep your kids so i'm not expecting you to understand.
the desire to nuke is based upon their insatiable desire that everyone become Mohammedans..let me know how you feel when they knock down a few buildings in Sydney with airliners..

Notice how we've NEVER had a terrorist incident in this country apart from the Hilton bombings?

Australia isn't the worlds police, nor are we in bed with Saudi terrorists. Remember SAUDI ARABIA attacked you on 9/11 and AQs big wedding would not have been possible without state sponsors.

I'm not worried about terrorism in this country, our nation security posture ensures this.
Notice how we've NEVER had a terrorist incident in this country apart from the Hilton bombings?

Australia isn't the worlds police, nor are we in bed with Saudi terrorists. Remember SAUDI ARABIA attacked you on 9/11 and AQs big wedding would not have been possible without state sponsors.

I'm not worried about terrorism in this country, our nation security posture ensures this.

Interesting. The Oil Production is falling off in Aus, but the petroleum imports are rising. IAC, I am glad they don't attack.

Hopefully, you've hardened up, like we did.

or perhaps a drone should be dropped on ur fucking head when ur at ur cuzzins wedding..... yeah they should just ask nicely for a.q. to leave... just like rahm Emmanuel should ask the 100k plus gang bangers in the city of Chicago to just leave.... lol im sure both parties will agree to just pack up and leave... I feel sorry for these 15 people.....

you FEEL things.

they were nopt blowed up for being in sandland, they were blowed up because somebody SCREWED UP.

in a perfect world nobody would ever screw up, cops would never kick in the wrong door and shoot a guy who just got back from deployment because they think his neighbor is growing weed


and the government would never make up crazy stories to justify raiding and murdering a bunch of 7th day adventists on their religious commune.

(google waco)

out there in the wild anarcho-mohammedan warzone of yemen's AQAP territory they have even less ability to tell friend from foe, so yeah, shit is bound to go wrong now and again.

if AQAP was facing a popular counter-insurgency, squimpers who would tell the yemeni govt who was up to no good (reliably), and who was plotting and scheming for their "Jihad" maybe fewer yemeni wedding parties would get blowed the fuck up, but that aint whats happening.

mexico cant even rid itself of the zapatistas, but the zapatistas arent sending underpants bombers onto airlines, or stuffing Semtex into toner cartridges. if the Zapas did that shit southern mexico would also be recieving special delivery ordinance from drones, but they would also most likely get a visit from a large number of well armed jarheads who would kick in the doors to every hooch in sight and defoliate the jungle until the zapas were extinct.

proximity, and the ability to blend in with the chicano population in the US would nccesitate stronger, more violent and more direct action than yemen's far off plotters and their rube goldberg schemes

try thinking instead of FEELING and youll find you are just plain wrong.
your a xenophobic skank. And yep my brother and girlfriend are co-signs on my mortgage, that's not something I'm embarrassed about. This is how you keep wealth in your family.

wait, how is your brother's girlfriend in the family?

a girlfriend is not a wife.
Notice how we've NEVER had a terrorist incident in this country apart from the Hilton bombings?

Australia isn't the worlds police, nor are we in bed with Saudi terrorists. Remember SAUDI ARABIA attacked you on 9/11 and AQs big wedding would not have been possible without state sponsors.

I'm not worried about terrorism in this country, our nation security posture ensures this.

your nation's irrelevance on the world stage, difficult to infiltrate borders and general absence from the mohammedan scene is what protects you.

what did the phillippines do to anger the mohammedans?

what did the hindus of india do to make the islamic world hate them?

what did indonesia's christian and buddhist communities do to vex sandland?

islam is predicated on violent expansion, and theocratic empire, america and western europe are first on their list but australia is not off the list, you are just small potatoes.
islam is predicated on violent expansion, and theocratic empire, america and western europe are first on their list

now you are spelling out what you really meant by "defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit".

it's exactly what any thinking person would suspect: defending european roots and christian identity from islam, immigrants, and blacks.

doesn't take a phillipe rushton to piece that one together.
the desire to nuke is based upon their insatiable desire that everyone become Mohammedans
Yep, that's it, they want to convert us, they aren't angry that we depose their leaders, kill their children. I mean, you could care less about your own children so i can understand your sentiment.
your nation's irrelevance on the world stage, difficult to infiltrate borders and general absence from the mohammedan scene is what protects you.

what did the phillippines do to anger the mohammedans?

what did the hindus of india do to make the islamic world hate them?

what did indonesia's christian and buddhist communities do to vex sandland?

islam is predicated on violent expansion, and theocratic empire, america and western europe are first on their list but australia is not off the list, you are just small potatoes.

LOL xenophobia personified. I hope you get out and see the world before you die. You'll realise what a dick you are.
Yep, that's it, they want to convert us, they aren't angry that we depose their leaders, kill their children. I mean, you could care less about your own children so i can understand your sentiment.

again, what did the phillippines do to piss them off?

why did indonesia anger them?

how did india cause them distress?

why did they invade spain, and conquer their way to the gates of vienna before the crusades threw them back to sandland?

why did they invade the levant?

islam is a theocratic ideology with dreams of empire, just like the catholic church was a few hundred years ago, before the enlightenment broke their stranglehold on european thought.

if islam has their own enlightenment movement they might eventually shake off their current moslem dark age and start becoming less repressive and autocratic.

but thats not gonna happen any time soon.