Update on UAN-28 with Iron......lawn food.
It worked like I could not believe it. I had been spraying increasing strength 7-2-2 for over a week, on this one yellow girl and not much happening.
So, then I tried Ben's Tip, Pointer and Tweak. UAN. Urea, Ammonium Nitrate. It is a mix of the two.
I couldn't find it. I found 70,000 gals. but none for me.
So, I cast about at OSH with my reading glasses. And I almost left without looking at the fine print on the regular lawn care products.
Well, good. Scotts Max Green has a type of UAN concoction. 28% Urea, but not so much Ammonia as to be a liquid, and includes Iron. Of course, I used this stuff every year on my lawn, but didn't make the simple Botany connection of Grass = Grass.
IAC, don't get me wrong. This is a fix for that first few weeks when I try to get roots by not giving a lot of water. So, next time I can try to support Cal/Mag and Nitrogen better with spray on.
This time, only one application of 150 ppm (and 30 ml of wetting agent) of Lawn Greening food was all she needed. Within 2 days of that, she was getting real green and now looks fine.
How to get 150 ppm? Take a tiny pinch and let it dissolved in a 1/2 liter of water....but it won't. So, stir and measure until 300 ppm, on the meter.
Then, pour off, half of it, 250 ml and dump the rest with the grains dissolving slowly. I don't need it stronger. I need it weaker.
So, I add another 250 ml of water, and get a 150 ppm UAN-28. You might even have some in your garage. And nice quick fix, if you don't over do it.