The shadow government....


Well-Known Member
Really? That bigbush stepped in to defend his honor
I was more refuting your charge that he was unintelligent, full of hot air (I.e. Never posts anything of worth), and unwilling to listen to the opinions of others.

I have seen him accept the view of his opposition on more than one occasion. The man obviously has intelligence, and it shines through in his posts. Rasonable and intelligent people can disagree, you seem to think anyone with a view not your own is stupid; a common habit in those on the left.

About bucks charges against him of racism and xenophobia, I have not observer such behavior, but then again I have not been around as long as buck, and he sees it where it does not exist.


Well-Known Member
I was more refuting your charge that he was unintelligent, full of hot air (I.e. Never posts anything of worth), and unwilling to listen to the opinions of others.

I have seen him accept the view of his opposition on more than one occasion. The man obviously has intelligence, and it shines through in his posts. Rasonable and intelligent people can disagree, you seem to think anyone with a view not your own is stupid; a common habit in those on the left.

About bucks charges against him of racism and xenophobia, I have not observer such behavior, but then again I have not been around as long as buck, and he sees it where it does not exist.
This was my response to you....Today. Remember.[/h]
I can agree with that. I am not trying to call out, rather just talk through issues that may or may not seem important. We do live in an ignorant place, a lot of the rhetoric seems like it comes from little or no experience in regard to the people affected. The hearts and minds are dug in deep, and usually hostile toward any differing is a sad place for the intellect.​


Well-Known Member
This was my response to you....Today. Remember.[/h]
I can agree with that. I am not trying to call out, rather just talk through issues that may or may not seem important. We do live in an ignorant place, a lot of the rhetoric seems like it comes from little or no experience in regard to the people affected. The hearts and minds are dug in deep, and usually hostile toward any differing is a sad place for the intellect.
You just described uncle buck.

I fail to see though, what relevance your post has. Care to elaborate?


Well-Known Member
I was more refuting your charge that he was unintelligent, full of hot air (I.e. Never posts anything of worth), and unwilling to listen to the opinions of others.

I have seen him accept the view of his opposition on more than one occasion. The man obviously has intelligence, and it shines through in his posts. Rasonable and intelligent people can disagree, you seem to think anyone with a view not your own is stupid; a common habit in those on the left.

About bucks charges against him of racism and xenophobia, I have not observer such behavior, but then again I have not been around as long as buck, and he sees it where it does not exist.
I am glad you two are hitting it off.


Well-Known Member
You really do not make much sence. Ironic, since you bashed a fellow member for the same, yet in his case inaccurate, problem.


Well-Known Member
You just described uncle buck.

I fail to see though, what relevance your post has. Care to elaborate?
earlier we were talking about calling homosexuality a disorder remember? this was my response to a point you made about not calling ignorant people ignorant to win hearts and minds. I think it makes clear that what you were just saying is not the case.


Well-Known Member
I hear all this bitching and whining about govt and nothing about the corporations who own it. I am not able to overlook the profit motive that is the root of the evil that we ignore or pin on a single politician. The culture is not ours....we have been distracted by our fear while molded into idiotic consumers. Left and right.....there is money to be made off you.
its not our faults if your reading the wrong posts lol dial up a dna post and youll have more to chew on than you can prolly swallow :D
merry christmas...


Well-Known Member
here's a recent one:

we all are ;)
how can we leave our kids to inherent this bag of coal where our human rights should b?
at the very least we can reaffirm their rights to grow any plant they so choose in effort to provide for their own food shelter clothes meds etc if they so choose instead of continuing to suckle from the corporate teat that we have allowed them to b raised on...
litigation not legislation!
thats the best christmas present we could give to our children and their children and so on and to each other<3
we have standing now...that will b gone once legislation comes to fruition...
carpe diem!
let the 9th and the 1st amendments b your sword and shield!
how many more christmases do we have as individuals?
how many more cnristmases will we fail our children and each other by letting this go on until theres no litigious way to go back and make it right?
i could go on and on but no doubt i might as well b speaking martian i gues lol...and so
all i really wanted 2say was...
although its been said many times many ways merry christmas 2all...

oh and maybe this :D


peace everyone, now lets stir it up<3


Well-Known Member
Wow seems to always amaze me how some trolls vanish as soon as they are outed as virgins who have never accomplished anything outside a messageboard, still living at home. I also notice that Trolls that pontificate the biggest, longest, most elaborate ( or in this case ad hominum subjects without addressing thier content) status quo in the box defense of the system, aren't even men who have accomplished anything in the status quo in the box thinking world. As usual if you are good you do, if you are a failure .... troll a message board named as a dead doctorate.


Well-Known Member
Wow seems to always amaze me how some trolls vanish as soon as they are outed as virgins who have never accomplished anything outside a messageboard, still living at home. I also notice that Trolls that pontificate the biggest, longest, most elaborate ( or in this case ad hominum subjects without addressing thier content) status quo in the box defense of the system, aren't even men who have accomplished anything in the status quo in the box thinking world. As usual if you are good you do, if you are a failure .... troll a message board named as a dead doctorate.
Well said, it is critical to see the distinction between the actual people and their online persona. I came on to learn about herb and eventually share that, and because of my real world experiences and challenges I felt it threatened people, simple people.


Well-Known Member
Wow seems to always amaze me how some trolls vanish as soon as they are outed as virgins who have never accomplished anything outside a messageboard, still living at home. I also notice that Trolls that pontificate the biggest, longest, most elaborate ( or in this case ad hominum subjects without addressing thier content) status quo in the box defense of the system, aren't even men who have accomplished anything in the status quo in the box thinking world. As usual if you are good you do, if you are a failure .... troll a message board named as a dead doctorate.
Why do you want to go beating up on Uncle Buck like that? LOL!!!