New Member
i was doin a run one night and after i stopped for fuel and bread and milk. i went in and when i look outside some guy was trying to break into my car! I asked him what the f*** he thought he was doin, he said" i own this f***** car". Then hes started towards me so i smack him in the head and he's fallen on the ground. Out of nowhere his friend comes and this dude is HUGE with big steroid muscles and shit and hes like "why you hit my friend eh?" Before I know both are laying into me on the ground, after a few hits to the head, I managed to uppercut the big one and they both run off ??? Then I'm fighting with the original g again and eventually knock him fully out when mr steroids comes running at me with a massive knife and then chases me around inside the shop knocking things to the floor and threatening to kill me. I end up in hospital with a huge hematoma on my eye, grazing and because i got knocked out at some point they kept me for a while, crazy