2014 BBQ planning?.......

i doubt I would attend that. Best of luck on your BBQ endeavors, I wont tread on your contributions. There are other events I would feel better about attending.
Well, your always invited......The BBQ's are 'FUBU' affairs It's just a chance for many of us that post regularly here on the outdoor page throughout each season, to get together and compare notes (among other things) in person. It would be nice if these BBQ's went on all over the place, I have no control over that. But, I can throw a little shindig after every harvest season, and invite everyone. This BBQ is primarily outdoor growers. I guess we could call it the outdoor growers bbq, however everyone is invited. You can't beat the price, I hope to see you there.
Had some legal trouble getting home in time. I feel like a d-bag for missing something so close to home. You should start a paypal account for donations. Like you said if people dont show up atleast they donated :)
I hope everything is ok for you bro! Dont feel like a D-Bag for it, we all understand! Hopefully next one we can do some dabs!!!

if it's who I think it is, he's really a good person, just going thru some frustrating times right now. I sure hope he can make it to the next Q........

Why thank you doublejj. No offense was meant whatsoever regarding my comments, I was under the impression that these BBQ's were something else all together. I have tons of respect for what you are doing in providing for great times and the opportunity for like minded individuals to gather when they would maybe otherwise not be able to or feel comfortable. Many thanks are in order for the undertaking of organizing, funding, hosting, and being responsible for the events.
I guess Im just a bit spoiled when it comes to MMJ get togethers, and didnt know that it wasnt an RIU sponsored event (or official event I suppse). It has been quite some time since I have been truly involved on the forum as much as I would really like, and yes its mainly due to very difficult times indeed, and because of that I had the wrong impression/idea of what the BBQ events are. My apologies doublejj , and anyone else that took offense on his behalf.
Why thank you doublejj. No offense was meant whatsoever regarding my comments, I was under the impression that these BBQ's were something else all together. I have tons of respect for what you are doing in providing for great times and the opportunity for like minded individuals to gather when they would maybe otherwise not be able to or feel comfortable. Many thanks are in order for the undertaking of organizing, funding, hosting, and being responsible for the events.
I guess Im just a bit spoiled when it comes to MMJ get togethers, and didnt know that it wasnt an RIU sponsored event (or official event I suppse). It has been quite some time since I have been truly involved on the forum as much as I would really like, and yes its mainly due to very difficult times indeed, and because of that I had the wrong impression/idea of what the BBQ events are. My apologies doublejj , and anyone else that took offense on his behalf.
No apology necessary, welcome back.....
Well I am glad I found this thread! I will def be at the spring and fall bbq's :) You really did a great job JJ. It was an awesome bbq. Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not the size that counts? ;)
I would love to fly over to cali and meet a few of you guys, I'll keep an eye on this thread, maybe I can make it happen.
JJ what was the thing we had to put in the chamber for vaporizing the crumble?

I think it's just called an oil pad, or oil screen. Anyplace that sells volcano's should have them. Yeah, I left mine with bongpullr and now I need one!....
I know 1 day event kills off anyhone not in real driving distance as thats a ton of money if you have to fly in and out for a day and if anyone stays longer then hotel and such. Im hoping Illinois will legalize recreational use in next couple years. If that happens then we could have a fall or summer event in the midwest and Id help with that one for sure. Im still working 85 hours a week so time off is hard to get.It sounds fun just hard to get all the way out west for me personally but thats JJ's area so he can handle it much better in his area. Anyone in the midwest in a state thats not fanatical on mj usage arrests have a private land spot maybe it could be put together out here someway? I think a $20 or $10 fee is more then fair and honestly if you can't come up with the $20 in a years time well then you probably should stay home and work that weekend as you obviously need the money.I know Michigan has a Cannabis cub event maybe set one up at same times then everyone could check that out and then back to a spot for just our group?......See if a mod will put a sticky up a few months before the event so its front and center and no one misses it. Hell Roll should allow a free banner 90 days prior on the signin page that links to the thread.
Hey Fletch, sounds like your well on your way to have a local get together where you are. All it takes is someone to get it kick-started. It would be great to see RIU gatherings all over the place. The BBQ's so far have all be FUBU, and centered around outdoor growing season. We get together in the spring to exchange things & share plans for the upcoming season. And again in the late fall, after harvest, to compare notes among other things, and have a Harvest celebration. Many outdoor growers can't/won't leave their plots during grow season. There's nothing that says the BBQ's have to be a 1 day event, but organizing anything more than that starts to get complicated. One of the biggest challenges for us was find a space that was cheap & large enough, and would allow open air pot smoking.....good luck