Well-Known Member
i got a brother like that, i thought it was because we didn't grow up together, hell i was out of the navy and going on 22 years old before i ever meet my baby brother on that side of my family. he is not that close to the brother he was raised with for that matter. but the same as you i have my wife, family, and friends and that makes it all better. peace bro
Its sad enough spending Christmas without my Mother this year.!then I have 2 brothers that will NOT even send back a Christmas wish (text). I had sent them both earlier. But they can keep up with TONS of frineds and shit via Facebook. What's wrong with this picture
?: Seems like family would pull 2 gather during the holidays and shit, but I guess not! Oh well, fuck um... I have tried for years to get them to come around. Time isn't on our side to start with, I've told both of them that 1 day its going to be 2 late, and things don't have to be this way.!! Sorry guys, I know y'all don't want to hear Dank going on and on about family life.. Again sorry.. Just don't understand is all.....