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Just got 3 R4 cuts. From seed. Untested, mom apparently tested @16% cbd. We will see.
Oh my, 16% CBDs would make some wonderful medicine

Just got 3 R4 cuts. From seed. Untested, mom apparently tested @16% cbd. We will see.
Very interesting, I hope and believe it will help...Well, Sour Tsunami and Tora Bora both have CBD levels around 14%, but they also have 8% or so THC. The interesting thing about the R4 is that it doesn't have an appreciable amount of THC, but has been reported to have CBD levels as high as 22%. For my condition - nerve inflammation, I've decided that an even THC:CBD ratio is the most effective, but I plan to grow the R4 out and hash and make a tincture for my pops who has a form of palsy where his head nods without his knowledge. I'm hoping that since CBD is effective for epilepsy that maybe it will help him also.
So info I have found talking to a few breeders and a doctor then looking at the research found so far,
% of parents has little to do with what WILL be seen in progeny. Flowers need individual testing.
Cbd only is not desirable according to the doc I spoke to. Claims the cbd oil one can purchase is garbage. That whole plant extraction is better meds because of the way the cannabinoids interact. Almost scoffed at the idea of breeding cannabinoid specific plants, I disagree with this notion.
The R4 we have is a stout little indica looking girl.
The Dudes though is where its at 1:1 8% thc 9.1 cbd. These ratios are what bredders are looking for. That is the genetic marker we can easily find with testing.
There is no pain relief for me at a 1:1 chronic back and hip pain are not helped. If I am high enough I sort of forget about the pain, at least distracted enough.. Not the case with 1:1. Good luck bubba.
@bubbagineer I may have to let go of my disdain for oil to find relief. Have you tried cold water? I guess oil for medicine not a bad thing, just think mostly as the difference between a beer drinker and hard alcohol user. Not the best analogy but I feel is fairly appropriate. I will look into this.
Merry f'in Christmas all!
Greenpeak I couldn't agree more about the lack of understanding. Time money and research will tell us soon enough. Just need to change federal scheduling and mission complete!
I haven't made an RSO, but I can't imagine it being more efficacious than the tinctures I make. I've wondered what mega doses of CBD would do.... hallucinations huh? I ain't had me a good trip in better than 20 years.... sounds good to me.Have you tried the RSO oil with a 1:1 or maybe try a 2:1 THC : CBD It always takes a while but my patients do better with ingestion over inhalation. I have seen people hallucinate when given too much very potent at around 70 % activated cannabinoid content.