Need ideas on fans


Active Member
Damn, must be cheap where you're from. I payed like 100 for the 4 inch and 150 for the 6 inch.
I'll try your suggestion and let ya know how it works out
Try Amazon, I got a Combo 6" Inline & Carbon filter with it on sale for $125
Inlines alone should be $75 max for a 6"
Ebay has tons for a lot cheaper.


Well-Known Member
At bottom of thread I said I had the measurements wrong. Its 4ft deep 8ft long and 8 ft tall.
2nd, where did the smart ass comment about di k size come from? I asked a legit question. I know how to figure out the footage and fan needed to exchange air. That's not what I asked, I'm trying to reduce temp in tent and asked if it would be better to have a dedicated fan for lights instead of using 1 for ligts and tent ventilation
I equated dick measuring to equipment owning - not meant as an insult - chalk it up to cultural/linguistic differences

I have a 8 x 4 x 4 and I use 2 or 3 x 600w with open reflectors
Which I can do - in the cold months - but, when the weather heats up....
I plan on getting 3 Ventilated hoods
(or, even better, 2 x 1000w ballasts with VENTILATED HOODS)
and using a 8"dedicated fan - possibly with a £8 speed controller. (essentially a light dimmer switch).

I think that, unless you have very specific requirements (enclosed area for CO2) a 2nd fan dedicated to the Cool Tubes is preferable to one used as an intake fan.

Humidity becomes a problem when air exchange is too slow.
A intake will help it but so will a more powerful extraction fan.

If the tents temp is much higher than the temp of the room it is in, this can also cause RH problems.


Well-Known Member
Yeah - I shouldn't have made the 'dick measuring' comment
Especially as it's obvious you're on your period.
You whiney miserable wanker!

If you know so much about working out air exchange ratio's why are you on here asking for answers to super basic questions????

Go wax your vagina you cry baby fucking CHILD
Seems to me like you're the only one crying. It's obvious you're bored, so here's an idea for ya.
Go shit in the floor and head butt it. That should keep your simple ass mind entertained for a cpl hours at least.