First Grow -- Signs of Over-watering?


New Member
This is about 6 days from sprout. Germinated in paper towel, then moved into cocoa pot with straight ffof.
Housed in a 3'3" x 3'3" x 6'7"growlab tent, unlabled LED...looks like a stealth... rated at 2a@220v. Have a small fan constantly blowing on the seedlings. Temp stays at a consistant 80f, 34% humidity.

Began watering 250ml split between two seedlings once a day. I have been trying to be consistent in watering when I think the soil is feeling dry, but perhaps I have been overzealous?

Have been taking pictures since it sprouted, will post them all for comparison.
Curious to hear peoples opinions.



Thet look fine to me, just remeber that seedlings don't need a lot of water, when the soil dries out water them again, stick your finger in to the soil near the base of the stem to check the soil, if its wet then wait awhile.


Active Member
Looks overwatered to me man, cannabis doesn't like too much water, espesially seedlings that small,they need to be moistured not wet.


Well-Known Member
Looks okay to me. Stay away from adding any nutes for another month. Your FFOF is pretty hot for seedlings so no additional nutes.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
They are okay, but listen to Bugeye and hold off any extra nutes for 3 to 4 weeks. Also if you are growing in coco, you may wish to consider some Cal-Mag and pH your water
Dr. Jekyll

BTW, the pics under the LED look like crap, and show dick-shit. The other pics are showing slight signs of the nutes within the soil, but not an issue as long as you don't start adding more nutes
Mr. Hyde


New Member
Thanks for all the advice, leaves are looking about the same today. Gave then a very slight watering yesterday but I suppose I will hold off for a couple of days before giving them a drink again.

Thanks for letting me know, will make sure to take future pics in regular lighting if that's more helpful.


New Member
Here's what its looking like a day later..
The leaves still seem to be drooping but the soil appears pretty dry to me?

Should I water today? Is 250ml enough split between 2 plants (one being a few days behind this one) or should I water more?


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
they look good, not too dry but getting close, feel the weight to really judge, let them get bone dry
Dr. Jekyll

yes, water more, the more the better, flush them every hour for the next 6 weeks
Mr. Hyde


That looks good, soil looks dry, I would give it a splash but don't over do it, they really don't need a lot of water. Wait till the soil is dry again before watering.


they look good, not too dry but getting close, feel the weight to really judge, let them get bone dry
Dr. Jekyll

yes, water more, the more the better, flush them every hour for the next 6 weeks
Mr. Hyde
Hyde, douchebag, what do you mean?

And OP ignore Hyde, he is just sexually frustrated and has a small.....


New Member
Here's an update four days later..
Based on the pictures how long do you think I have till I begin to see signs of sex?
How is it looking overall?



Looking good mate, nice! Are you happy? Watch for stretching btw.

EDIT: You got quite a wait before you can see the sex, I am not sure of the exact period, as far as I know it's when they pre-flower.


New Member
Just a quick update.. Added a rack into my tent that raised the plants roughly 3.5 ft closer to the light.
After one day of being on the rack the larger of the two began to droop a lot, the smaller was looking great.

I quickly watered the larger assuming that the change in distance from the light caused the soil to dry more quickly. It perked up slightly but not much. Soon after the second (smaller) plant began to droop intensely also. Gave it a little water and it too perked up slightly. Neither are looking as prime as they have been since being watered. Dropped them back to the floor now, hopefully that will help.

any ideas as to what happened?