Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
They really need 2 re do the ending imo.!! It sucks Walter died like I had said b4. I'm serious, they could do SOOOOoooo much more with this flick! Like have Walters funeral, then show Jesse start cooking again, or off in the Bahama's or something. Lol.. WTF! :??: Just don't get it.. lol


Well-Known Member
They really need 2 re do the ending imo.!! It sucks Walter died like I had said b4. I'm serious, they could do SOOOOoooo much more with this flick! Like have Walters funeral, then show Jesse start cooking again, or off in the Bahama's or something. Lol.. WTF! :??: Just don't get it.. lol
I feel the same way. My girlfriend and I watched the whole series in literally a couple days of doing nothing but laying here. We were hooked. The ending sadly fell apart for me :(



Well-Known Member
LOL.. Your funny.. Yeah, if you remember correctly, remember me taking the Wild Rose and doing the "twist" method on her :??: She started responding really well 2 the twisting, the the damn fan came tumbling down on her!! :( I kept one of her clones though, and I also have a ton of her seeds left.
YES! haha no, of course not...I dunno why, I though you said 10 strains you were choosing from LOL
I'm about to zonk out...my eyes are so heavy...
hey...what about that Wild Rose? I never heard from you on what she was like when you harvested her a while back?:??:


Well-Known Member
:twisted: Which end is the cam going in :??: lol.. Down the hatch, or up the bum :??: lol.. If up the bum, I wish you peace and serenity.. ;)
Dammit man...I said MY eyes were gettin heavy and He passed out! I can't go to bed till much later. Diabetic and no food or drink after midnight until 11:45 am :shock: Gotta have a lil GI cam in the morning. Woohoo. Guess it's that time of year again. Doc said, c'mon on down Rosey we got a deep sleep for ya! I'm in! haha


Well-Known Member
They really need 2 re do the ending imo.!! It sucks Walter died like I had said b4. I'm serious, they could do SOOOOoooo much more with this flick! Like have Walters funeral, then show Jesse start cooking again, or off in the Bahama's or something. Lol.. WTF! :??: Just don't get it.. lol
I KNOW! I hated that they killed Walt:evil:but I was happy that Jessie got free at the end. Did my ♥ gude!

LOL.. Your funny.. Yeah, if you remember correctly, remember me taking the Wild Rose and doing the "twist" method on her :??: She started responding really well 2 the twisting, the the damn fan came tumbling down on her!! :( I kept one of her clones though, and I also have a ton of her seeds left.
Fuckin A!!! I do remember that! how's the clone doing? You planning on doing more from that one? you know why I want to know ;)


Well-Known Member
Well said. ;) Yeah, the ending was just F'd up imo.. they could always (new director) and pick up right after the big gun fight at the end. ;) and make it 2 where Walt wasn't hit fatily. That would ROCK!!
I feel the same way. My girlfriend and I watched the whole series in literally a couple days of doing nothing but laying here. We were hooked. The ending sadly fell apart for me :(



Well-Known Member
I KNOW! I hated that they killed Walt:evil:but I was happy that Jessie got free at the end. Did my ♥ gude!

Fuckin A!!! I do remember that! how's the clone doing? You planning on doing more from that one? you know why I want to know ;)
Yeah, I was just going to flower the WR clone out and pollinate her with either Jack The Ripper, or maybe Bandana (male). Can't decide which one yet. She is still doing good in her little 16 oz solocup lol. I can't believe she has been in that cup for over a year now! Lol.. Showing pre flowers again. Her, Chocolate Heaven, Tropa canna Ornage, and a few others I had back then all are doing really good considering.. ;)


Well-Known Member
I think because of this thread, I'm going to raise my glass (or 12) to Walt.

Here's for a majorly entertaining time, Walt. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Well said. ;) Yeah, the ending was just F'd up imo.. they could always (new director) and pick up right after the big gun fight at the end. ;) and make it 2 where Walt wasn't hit fatily. That would ROCK!!
Kind of like Bobby Ewing on Dallas, coming back in the shower? lmao :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was just going to flower the WR clone out and pollinate her with either Jack The Ripper, or maybe Bandana (male). Can't decide which one yet. She is still doing good in her little 16 oz solocup lol. I can't believe she has been in that cup for over a year now! Lol.. Showing pre flowers again. Her, Chocolate Heaven, Tropa canna Ornage, and a few others I had back then all are doing really good considering.. ;)
So did you ever look at my pics?
Since then, (Friday) I think the BB #2, Alpha, and SFV have overtaken the Diesel in regards to bud site size.
I'm surprised nobody has asked what the SFV is yet.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was just going to flower the WR clone out and pollinate her with either Jack The Ripper, or maybe Bandana (male). Can't decide which one yet. She is still doing good in her little 16 oz solocup lol. I can't believe she has been in that cup for over a year now! Lol.. Showing pre flowers again. Her, Chocolate Heaven, Tropa canna Ornage, and a few others I had back then all are doing really good considering.. ;)
no fuckin way!!!! a year????? holy mother of fuck:shock: oh please...don't pollinate her with JTR..;;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I believe I posted somewhere ealrier I got caught up. Lol.. No wait, that was a pm I sent you.. They look good to me bro..
So did you ever look at my pics?
Since then, (Friday) I think the BB #2, Alpha, and SFV have overtaken the Diesel in regards to bud site size.
I'm surprised nobody has asked what the SFV is yet.:confused:


Well-Known Member
So did you ever look at my pics?
Since then, (Friday) I think the BB #2, Alpha, and SFV have overtaken the Diesel in regards to bud site size.
I'm surprised nobody has asked what the SFV is yet.:confused:
I have an idea but I ain't gonna embarrass myself just in case I'm off lol
so tell us
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