Thank Dr. I appreciate the good word.
The older leaves show the effect of my testing a preventative spray,
Indian Lemon Grass Oil. It was fine smelling, but did harsh a few
leaves out. (In theory it should be protecting the plants)
I figure that I can support maybe four feet of plant, from the surface
of the soil to the top of the plant. This allows for the lamp and the
height of the bucket.
So, I can flower a 2 foot tall plant, if it is no worse than a X2 stretch,
and a 16" plant (4' -> 48"/3 == 16) for a X3 stretch.
Therein lies the rub: I am sure that I will see more than the 4" left to
reach, and exceed, the 16" limit.
I can and will happily chop again, if need be. This is far, far, better
than plants above the f'ing lights!