4 Weeks Since 12/12 . Need Help Please . Pics Included


Active Member

It's my second grow and my plant started showing some problems .. hope I can get a diagnosis from doctors around here

Strain - Critical Kali Mist ( Delicious Seeds - Feminized ) almost 4 weeks since 12/12. flipped the switch at exactly 1 month.topped @ around 3 weeks. A little LST ( 1st time topping and doing LST )
Soil - FFOF ( 2 Gal )
Nutes - FF Trio : Grow Big - Big Bloom - Tiger Bloom (haven't gotten to use tiger bloom yet )
Lights - ~ 270 true watts of 2700K CFL ( about 10 bulbs in total )
Setup - Cardboard box about 1.5 x 2 x 3 lined with Mylar
Intake - passive
Exhaust - 3 PC fans - 12v
Fan - 1 PC fan inside the box . the all 4 fans stay on 24/0.
RH -~ 30 to ~50 Day/night

Ok so little bit about what I think is going on and what I've done .
The seed was a freebie and I've read some complains about this particular strain from this particular breeder so keeping my fingers crossed.
Like I said , i topped her and lst-ed before flipping the switch. She started out in a smaller pot and transplanted into final 2 Gal container. Since I'm using FFOF
soil , I didn't feel the need to feed the plant for almost a month. gave her about 1/4 recommended dose of Grow Big couple of times during the first 2 weeks of 12/12 . She put a quite a stretch on and I was thinking maybe it's not the best to have given her veg nutes during that time . maybe she would've stayed shorter had I given her Big Bloom instead ? IDK . so far I've only fed her with Big Bloom once and started to see some problems soon after I did. I should also mention that I forgot to adjust the PH of water + nutes everytime I fed her !!! I use PH up&down kit and always put my water around 6.5 for normal waterings. so I thought maybe PH started slipping off and caused some deficiencies ? It takes about 4-5 days for the soil to dry out . so I had to wait till I could do smth about it. Watered her this morning with tap water thats around 7PH + a small amount of grow big to try and stop the yellowing . Some leaf tips are curling down too. Please see the pics below and throw some ideas at me . Thanks in advance




Well-Known Member
the plant looks good my friend. If anything check your soil ph and make sure its between 6.5-6.8. Good Luck


Active Member
couple more pictures of the problem . it's bottom leaves and going up ... quite a few of leaves are showing this and I still have a long way to go before harvest.


Well-Known Member
tap water has chlorine which is toxic to mj plants. you have to let it sit out for like 24 hours so it gasses off before you use it.


Well-Known Member
any more opinions ???
Do what you can to reduce temps from 79-82 down around to 75-79.
My girl had a leaf that looked like that, browning on the inner veins and the orange/yellowing of the fingers. I saw a
A helpful reference, which you may have seen already is that chart.

With cannabis Mg deficiency usually shows on the sun leaves first, the green between the veins becoming a little lighter green as the very early symptom. Seeing it at this stage means the plants are telling you I need magnesium now! In the picture below on the left shows lower leaves of a plant that is starving and short of all three of the main elements ie nitrogen phosphorus and potash but not Magnesium, on the right show lower leaves short on Magnesium only.



Active Member
Do what you can to reduce temps from 79-82 down around to 75-79.
My girl had a leaf that looked like that, browning on the inner veins and the orange/yellowing of the fingers. I saw a
A helpful reference, which you may have seen already is that chart.

With cannabis Mg deficiency usually shows on the sun leaves first, the green between the veins becoming a little lighter green as the very early symptom. Seeing it at this stage means the plants are telling you I need magnesium now! In the picture below on the left shows lower leaves of a plant that is starving and short of all three of the main elements ie nitrogen phosphorus and potash but not Magnesium, on the right show lower leaves short on Magnesium only.
thanks man I appreciate the reply .
the only way I can bring temps down now is if I remove some bulbs which I don't wanna do for obvious reasons and I think the temps aren't really too bad. I've seen people's grows 85 steady and sometimes even go up to 90... She'll have to cope with the temps if that's whats bothering her. but I think it's the cal-mag deficiency + the PH might have gotten off because my high ass forgot to adjust it like 4 times. basically every time I fed I forgot to adjust PH of water+nute.:wall: Hope this grow turns out OK . lesson learned


Active Member
First mistake was not giving the plant enough nitrogen during stretch when it needs it the most. Looks like to me you are using a nutrient profile low in nitrogen and you are seeing the results first hand. Pretty simple.

FFS people not every plant problem is a cal/mg issue. It's like this is the Noob growers go to answer for everything. Doubt it's the issue here.

It's lack of nitrogen..... Simple.


Active Member

  • "I didn't feel the need to feed the plant for almost a month. gave her about 1/4 recommended dose of Grow Big couple of times during the first 2 weeks of 12/12 . She put a quite a stretch on and I was thinking maybe it's not the best to have given her veg nutes during that time . maybe she would've stayed shorter had I given her Big Bloom instead ? "

    Quite the opposite actually, by using a nutrient profile higher in P than N during the stretch would have only added to the height.... I see your problem happen all the time at about week 3 or 4. Looks like lack of nitrogen to me. Are you only using the bloom nutrients now???​



Well-Known Member
thanks man I appreciate the reply .
the only way I can bring temps down now is if I remove some bulbs which I don't wanna do for obvious reasons and I think the temps aren't really too bad. I've seen people's grows 85 steady and sometimes even go up to 90... She'll have to cope with the temps if that's whats bothering her. but I think it's the cal-mag deficiency + the PH might have gotten off because my high ass forgot to adjust it like 4 times. basically every time I fed I forgot to adjust PH of water+nute.:wall: Hope this grow turns out OK . lesson learned
It is possible that her roots are swollen from the acidic feedings. I did the same, one watering was at 5.5 and I did not flush for about three weeks. Slowest period of growth, and I fed with each watering causing nutrient build up in the medium. 2 full days after a proper flush, and she is growing vigorously again. Have you flushed, when was it? Feeding with a low ph will cause lockouts and eventually buildup from the nutrients that have been locked and have no place to go except sit in the soil.

About the heat, I've read that plants stop absorbing lumens at around 80.2, for our first two weeks, temps were undocumented and around 85 with humidity upwards above 80. We had heat stress and ozone damages. With temps at 75-79 now she seems much happier.

Are you able to raise your lights up any? A few more inches will lower the temp a few degrees and won't really affect how much light is reaching her.

Leaving a window open will cool the room around your grow and reduce overall temps immensely.


Active Member
Do what you can to reduce temps from 79-82 down around to 75-79.
My girl had a leaf that looked like that, browning on the inner veins and the orange/yellowing of the fingers. I saw a
A helpful reference, which you may have seen already is that chart.

With cannabis Mg deficiency usually shows on the sun leaves first, the green between the veins becoming a little lighter green as the very early symptom. Seeing it at this stage means the plants are telling you I need magnesium now! In the picture below on the left shows lower leaves of a plant that is starving and short of all three of the main elements ie nitrogen phosphorus and potash but not Magnesium, on the right show lower leaves short on Magnesium only.
Lol. You keep amazing me at how quick you have learned. Fuckin A man, you earned more rep.