Duck Dynasty Plucked

It's protected in that if I kill a guy because he likes kids, then I can be charged with a hate crime. The democrats put their foot down on this issue, they insisted on it.

people kill pedos all the time, they are a top target and their names and addresses are listed.

show me one person who has been charged with a hate crime for killing a pedo.

otherwise*, reality fucking hates you.

*reality does fucking hate you, i am being somewhat rhetorical here.
Talk about intolerance...

Buck, homosexual rights might be the one issue you and I agree on. Yet you call names because you and I, though arriving at the same place, take different routs.

You seem to think homosexuality occurs in a vacume.

It can't be a choice, because a) it's not, and b) if it were the cause of equal rights is harder.

So it's just who you are... Fine, I say it must be because of a difference in the brain, as must all deviant sexualities. You respond with hate.

So tell me then, how do you think a person becomes a homosexual, and how does a person become a pedophile?
do you believe in judith reisman when she says homosexuals led to the rise of hitler and the holocaust?

I think advancement of homosexual rights led to a large conservative turnout to oppose those rights. Those who opposed cast their vote for hitler, who was keeping his idea of extermination of the Jews a secret.

It's one of those unrelated chain of events that can only be pieced together in hindsight. Like... If I had not stopped for that beer, I wouldn't have been on the rail road tracks to help push that car off the tracks. Beer saves cars that are stuck on tracks.

No relation, other factors, but a true partially true statement.
Talk about intolerance...

i am rather intolerant of the unadulterated stupidity that some choose to display in public.

You seem to think homosexuality occurs in a vacume.
was that your best attempt at spelling vacuum? no wonder you work at subway.

It can't be a choice, because a) it's not, and b) if it were the cause of equal rights is harder.

of course it can be a choice, and that in no way alters the cause of equal rights.

the 14th amendment is clear all citizens enjoy equal protection of the law, no matter whether they choose to to fuck one sex or the other or both in their bedroom or if they were born that way.

I say it must be because of a difference in the brain, as must all deviant sexualities.

then you need to find not only the gay gene, you also need to find the more frequently coinciding gay pedo boy rapist gene.

that is an absurd proposition that has thoroughly been shown to be utter male cow manure, and you cite gay nazi lady to drive home the point.

that is an insult to my intelligence as well as a specious attempt to advance a hateful, unsupported, and bigoted view.

and you wonder why i respond with venom.

You respond with hate.

i fucking hate idiots.

So tell me then, how do you think a person becomes a homosexual, and how does a person become a pedophile?

what about bisexual people? they just wanna fuck everyone.

trans? bi trans?

how do you think i come to enjoy putting my erect penis between my wife's magnificent breasts and thrusting repeatedly until i ejaculate all over her face, nech, and tits?

my best guess to your ridiculous nonsense question is that a homosexual becomes so by wanting to have gay sex with a consenting partner, whereas a pedophile goes out and looks for a victim to take advantage of.

they are two very different things that require completely different mindsets.

so go find me the gay gene as well as the mega-pedo attachment to the gay gene and i am all ears.
I saw a guy like you, BignBushy, get brutally raped in prison for stating similar ideas. He was classified a 99. His anus prolapsed and dangled about a foot out of his butthole, after 3 hours of being fucked by several inmates. It took 3 separate surgeries to "rectify" the situation. Had to PC up afterwards, because, even in the SHU, he would get brutally fucked in between chow and showers.

I'm picturing your face on his head right now. It makes me happy.
...advancement of homosexual rights led to a large conservative turnout to oppose those rights. Those who opposed cast their vote for hitler....true statement.

I saw a guy like you, BignBushy, get brutally raped in prison for stating similar ideas. He was classified a 99. His anus prolapsed and dangled about a foot out of his butthole, after 3 hours of being fucked by several inmates. It took 3 separate surgeries to "rectify" the situation. Had to PC up afterwards, because, even in the SHU, he would get brutally fucked in between chow and showers.

I'm picturing your face on his head right now. It makes me happy.

and you just know a little psycho like bignbushy will end up that way.

he barely didn't kill his drug dealer after stopping by to get some heroin after he stole his mom's jewelry and dad's tools to pawn for dope after he ran out of dope after he stole from walmart.

now he's making sandwiches at subway and barely living on food stamps.

only a matter of time before that psycho snaps and kills a whole bunch of black kids.
mr buck how you get so smart and other people here are smart too I didn go to school but I have some sreet smart also I don't hink homosexuali is a choice but sometime I think be bi is like I do it sometimes if I get the urges
i am rather intolerant of the unadulterated stupidity that some choose to display in public.

You seem to think homosexuality occurs in a vacume.
was that your best attempt at spelling vacuum? no wonder you work at subway.

of course it can be a choice, and that in no way alters the cause of equal rights.

the 14th amendment is clear all citizens enjoy equal protection of the law, no matter whether they choose to to fuck one sex or the other or both in their bedroom or if they were born that way.

then you need to find not only the gay gene, you also need to find the more frequently coinciding gay pedo boy rapist gene.

that is an absurd proposition that has thoroughly been shown to be utter male cow manure, and you cite gay nazi lady to drive home the point.

that is an insult to my intelligence as well as a specious attempt to advance a hateful, unsupported, and bigoted view.

and you wonder why i respond with venom.

i fucking hate idiots.

what about bisexual people? they just wanna fuck everyone.

trans? bi trans?

how do you think i come to enjoy putting my erect penis between my wife's magnificent breasts and thrusting repeatedly until i ejaculate all over her face, nech, and tits?

my best guess to your ridiculous nonsense question is that a homosexual becomes so by wanting to have gay sex with a consenting partner, whereas a pedophile goes out and looks for a victim to take advantage of.

they are two very different things that require completely different mindsets.

so go find me the gay gene as well as the mega-pedo attachment to the gay gene and i am all ears.

They have found the gay gene. FYI
mr buck how you get so smart and other people here are smart too I didn go to school but I have some sreet smart also I don't hink homosexuali is a choice but sometime I think be bi is like I do it sometimes if I get the urges

They have found the gay gene. FYI

no, they haven't.

the best science has concluded that there is a genetic component, however. but no such gay gene has been located and isolated.

this same science, including numerous twin studies, has concluded that there is some type of environmental component as well.

like most everything, it is nature and nurture.

to me, it doesn't matter if it is a choice or not. everyone should enjoy equal protection of the law, regardless of who they like to shower in semen or soak in vaginal fluids.

there are some people who will try to advance specious concepts that suppose that this naturally occurring and perfectly normal and functional variation of human sexuality is somehow a defect. they might even try to cite a lady who says gays caused the holocaust to further their mistaken notion that these people are somehow more inclined to fuck little boys.


remember, gays caused hitler.
to me, it doesn't matter if it is a choice or not. everyone should enjoy equal protection of the law, regardless of who they like to shower in semen or soak in vaginal fluids.

there are some people who will try to advance specious concepts that suppose that this naturally occurring and perfectly normal and functional variation of human sexuality is somehow a defect. they might even try to cite a lady who says gays caused the holocaust to further their mistaken notion that these people are somehow more inclined to fuck little boys.


remember, gays caused hitler.

You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Uncle Buck again.
shit. I thought that was my uncle buck then I looked sorry-mr buck. mr buck wouldn't be so mean to me because I am on this shit phone and some buttons are stuck and if I -type properly it takes all day
no, they haven't.

the best science has concluded that there is a genetic component, however. but no such gay gene has been located and isolated.

this same science, including numerous twin studies, has concluded that there is some type of environmental component as well.

like most everything, it is nature and nurture.

to me, it doesn't matter if it is a choice or not. everyone should enjoy equal protection of the law, regardless of who they like to shower in semen or soak in vaginal fluids.

there are some people who will try to advance specious concepts that suppose that this naturally occurring and perfectly normal and functional variation of human sexuality is somehow a defect. they might even try to cite a lady who says gays caused the holocaust to further their mistaken notion that these people are somehow more inclined to fuck little boys.


remember, gays caused hitler.

I saw an interview with Bill Maher and a guy who worked on the human genome project and that is what he said.