Duck Dynasty Plucked

Nope. It's just the one's confused about their own sexuality. NoDrama is just confused.

he sounds pretty damn confused to be comparing homosexuality with pedophilia.

that little piece of conservative bigotry andor mental retardation has been thoroughly debunked.
he sounds pretty damn confused to be comparing homosexuality with pedophilia.

that little piece of conservative bigotry andor mental retardation has been thoroughly debunked.

Oh no. Very confused. I agree. Poor little guy can't make heads or tails of what he wants to fuck. Holes in wooden posts? I've never been that horny.....
You can't have it both ways. Im totally on board with the idea that we do not get to chose to whom, or what the object(s) of our sexual desire is.

The largest sex organ is the brain, a very complex organ in a very complex organis, the human body, and neither is immune from errors. The brain is hardwired for humans to seek other humans as mates, and more specifically for men to like women, and women to like men. The human body is designed to come in two basic forms, male and female. Sometimes folks are born with parts of both sets of sexual organs, and sometimes the brain developes improperly.

Occasionally something goes wrong with the body or the brain; these errors can manifest as mental retardation, birth defects (gimpy arms and the like), hermaphordites, and sexual deviance.

The vast majority of the time people are born "normal" with a pair of arms and legs and a properly functioning brain, no retardation, and sexually healthy. Sometimes folks are born asexual, with no desire for sex whatsoever. Sometimes an individual is
born and developes sexual desire for inanimate objects, I saw a program on tv where a dude got his rocks off by making love to his car. Sometimes people develop attraction towards animals and they buy velcro gloves.

Then there are the kiddie lovers, which buck, by the way is not just a manifestation of a desire for control/power. These people are genuinely attracted sexually towards children. Sure, some have a desire to dominance, just like some heterosexual, otherwise normal people do. Those folks rape grown women/men instead of little kids. The pedos may also express a sex preference, with some only attracted to same sex (which is far more common) and others attracted to opposite sex children. They often talk about how children are sexual beings, and can seduce you, and they imagine loving relationships. Also, the fact that most male pedos do not penetrate their "lovers" is more evidence that it isn't about control/dominance. That is their natural (to them) target for the love they have to give.

Then there are the most accepted group of sexual devientes, the homosexuals. Something in their brain makes them focus their romantic interest towards those of their own sex.

I'm glad you pointed out eye color and hand dominance. Both have a basis in physiology. Right handed folks have a dominant left hemisphere of their brain, and naturally lefties (the good kind) are right brain dominant, thus there is a physical cause for your exhibit a. As far as eye color, there is a genetic cause for that as well, so exhibit b of yours also is an argument in favor of what imsaying.

In fact, several researches have noted physician differences in the size in certain structures within the brain of known homosexuals compared to their sexually normal fellow humans.

Researches have also noted that there tends to be a genetic cause; homosexuality tends to be a trait folks inherit through their mothers contribution to their genome.

Now, consider this... Dr Judith Reisman , president for the institute for media education conducted a bunch of surveys with the grant she got from the justice department (in order to get a grant for research such as this, your methods have to be pre-approved by the body which governs such studies, with very strict criteria) found out some interesting data. One interesting tid-bit she discovered was that same sex molestation of young boys occurs at 5 times more frequency than the molestation of young girls by men.

Here is where the ability to even debate this arises. These numbers came from measuring the molestor, not the molestee. In other words, since there are far more straight-pedos than gay-pedos, the number of girls molested is higher. The "five times the rate" figure can also be said like this. A gay man is 5 times more likely to sexually abuse a child than a straight man is. These are department of justice statistics.

While looking for this info, you will find a lot of stuff saying this is bullshit. There will be rainbows on the page, and they won't provide much in the way of numbers/facts. Consider the source; department of justice, or someone with a pro gay agenda.

Having said all this, most, the vast majority, of homosexuals would never touch a child, and would find the idea just as abhorrent as you or I. But facts are facts, and it's foolish to ignore them.

There is something physically different going on in the brains of gay people, it can be traced though the female line of a family. Having said that, i believe that There is nothing wrong with being gay and the existence of a relationship between two consenting adults, regardless of the sexual makeup of the couple. I'm actually a proponent of marriage equality.

You have won the argument that your sexuality is not a choice, but you cannot win the argument that there is not a physical explanation for your sexual preference. As a deviant sexual orientation, it shares causes with others. No way around it.

I am not morally equating homosexuality to pedophilia, no rational human would. Although I will say the more rights homosexuals win, the more likely it is that pedophiles will push for similar rights, but that is no reason to deny the rights to homosexuals.

Just because the two may be physically similar/linked, in no way makes them similar in practice.

You got anymore circular arguments?
100% bullshit.

there simply are no words.

1) than it should be easy for you to find an unbiased source to prove me wrong then? Like the doj, not a pro gay group, do it...

2) notice how I went on to say that this wasn't any reason to not give rights to homosexuals, but you only read what you want to read...

Ever heard of the homosexual magazine called "guide?"

Well in 1995 they had this to say....

In 1995 the homosexual magazine “Guide” said, “We can be proud that the gay movement has been home to the few voices who have had the courage to say out loud that children are naturally sexual” and “deserve the right to sexual expression with whoever they choose. …” The article went on to say: “Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children’s sexuality … we must do it for the children’s sake.”

Here is the evidence that pedos are after equal status as their homosexual cousins....

Using the same tactics used by “gay” rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals.

Critics of the homosexual lifestyle have long claimed that once it became acceptable to identify homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle” or sexual orientation, logically nothing would be off limits. “Gay” advocates have taken offense at such a position insisting this would never happen. However, psychiatrists are now beginning to advocate redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined*several years ago.

In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. A group of psychiatrists with B4U-Act recently held a symposium proposing a new definition of pedophilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders of the APA.

B4U-Act* calls pedophiles “minor-attracted people.” The organization’s website states its purpose is to, “help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma and fear.”

In 1998 The APA issued a report claiming “that the ‘negative potential’ of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that ‘the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from* childhood sexual abuse experiences.”

Pedophilia has already been granted protected status by the Federal Government. The Matthew Shephard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act lists “sexual orientation” as a protected class; however, it does not define the term.

Republicans attempted to add an amendment specifying that “pedophilia is not covered as an orientation;” however, the amendment was defeated by Democrats. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fl) stated that all alternative sexual lifestyles should be protected under the law. “This bill addresses our resolve to end violence based on prejudice and to guarantee that all Americans, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability or all of these ‘philias’ and fetishes and ‘isms’ that were put forward need not live in fear because of who they are. I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this rule.”

And as you can see, democrats are friends of the pedo.

Link to that whole article...
1) than it should be easy for you to find an unbiased source to prove me wrong then? Like the doj, not a pro gay group, do it...

there is tons of data by the APA and others to disprove your nonsense 100%.

judith reisman clearly has an agenda and a bias.

only a blithering fucktard would lend any credit to her analysis on a subject she is so clearly invested in.

similarly, only a blithering fucktard would cite the guy who co-signed that america must "defend america's european identity and christian heritage from blacks, muslims, and immigrants" in a discussion about race and intelligence.

2) notice how I went on to say that this wasn't any reason to not give rights to homosexuals, but you only read what you want to read...

i noticed exactly how you tried to advance the false idea that homosexuality and pedophilia are somehow related, and that having whatever abnormality that leads to homosexuality will also make you 5 times more inclined to fuck little boys.

gay and straight people look for consenting partners, pedophiles look for victims. they are not even related, and there is absolutely no homo pedo rape gene, like you seem to be suggesting.

you are either a great troll or a truly sad individual to cite judith reisman at a time like this. there is no other option.
Reisman has said that she believes that a homosexual movement in Germany gave rise to the Nazi Party and the Holocaust.

might as well cite philippe rushton to back up your claims about how blacks are from "an inferior lot".

stupid is as stupid does, and bignbushy is exhibit A.

Perhaps a left wing advance led to the election of a guy promising to return Germany to a traditional place? That guy just so happened to be hitler. When you connect the dots, put all of them in. It wasn't a direct cause, but an unforeseen consequence.
Pedophilia has already been granted protected status by the Federal Government.

seriously, just stop.

if you are trying to troll right now, you are failing wildly.

one of the keys to trolling is to make the claim remotely believable.

i am so very glad that you work at subway rather than as a lawyer. subway is way more on your level.
Perhaps a left wing advance led to the election of a guy promising to return Germany to a traditional place? That guy just so happened to be hitler. When you connect the dots, put all of them in. It wasn't a direct cause, but an unforeseen consequence.

are you really saying that homosexuality led to the holocaust?

i am really high right now, and am just not believing what i am reading.

reported as too retarded to let continue.
Perhaps a left wing advance led to the election of a guy promising to return Germany to a traditional place? That guy just so happened to be hitler. When you connect the dots, put all of them in. It wasn't a direct cause, but an unforeseen consequence.

Socialist. Marxist. Communist. Faggot. Hitler.


Your shit soooo tired. Your mom called. She said it's time for your nap. Grab your apple juice, and go lay down you sick fuck....
are you really saying that homosexuality led to the holocaust?

i am really high right now, and am just not believing what i am reading.

reported as too retarded to let continue.

In the same way that a minister at a church I was at a week or two after 9/11 said homosexuality was why god punished America by letting the terrorists hit is? No, hell no. I got up and walked out, pissing my dad off in the process.

But advances by the left or right lead to blowback by the other side. Hitler happened to be seeking votes and espousing a conservative message, he got votes. The voters didn't know what he had planned. It's a silly point by her, and a butterfly effect type deal.

Just like it could be said the war in iraq led to Obamacare. Made republicans unpopular, leading to D super majorities in both houses and the white house, allowing them to pass a bill that couldn't have passed in any other two year period we've had in a looooooooooong time. Is your brain so dull as to not be capable of abstract thought?
seriously, just stop.

if you are trying to troll right now, you are failing wildly.

one of the keys to trolling is to make the claim remotely believable.

i am so very glad that you work at subway rather than as a lawyer. subway is way more on your level.
It's protected in that if I kill a guy because he likes kids, then I can be charged with a hate crime. The democrats put their foot down on this issue, they insisted on it.