Note to self thread


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Staff member
So what does one do with That Much freakin mustard.

Midget chick wrestling ?

Suddenly the "Poupon" doesn't sound so appetizing.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
You know how midgets and dwarves are two totally different things, right. What I want to know is if you get midget dwarves, or dwarf midgets. Like in half half sized people.

Mate of mine runs a sound company, does stage management and all sorts, he has a team of 8 midgets. Says they come in very handy for working on stage while the bands are actually performing, as often needs to happen. Plus he likes them because they have 'the cutest little hands'.


Well-Known Member
I like midget prostitutes. Their hands make it look so big!

Back to the thread...

Note to self, do not keep the dog's toothbrush in the holder with your own....

and if you do, for Pete's sake, don't use the same color!


Well-Known Member
NTS: When cooking by a recipe, Tablespoon and Teaspoon are not necessarily interchangeable. We had some salty, peppery, thyme-y chicken croquettes tonight. Nearly inedible. :spew:


Well-Known Member
NTS: When cooking by a recipe, Tablespoon and Teaspoon are not necessarily interchangeable. We had some salty, peppery, thyme-y chicken croquettes tonight. Nearly inedible. :spew:
I used to think 1 tsp= 1/2 Tbsp, but come to find out, 1 tsp is just over a third of real Tbsp.
Anyways, I don't own cook books or such, just usually stick with what I know I like.........
Not one to try new stuff.
Splash, dash, shake, pour, handful are my measurements.:roll:


Well-Known Member
Haha look who's talkin. You were gone for a little stint yourself there buddy. Lol. Glad to have someone back to picking on me.