Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Wifey is off from 12-24 -1-2-14.. I predict day 2 she will be wanting to go back to work.. :)
That's a nice stretch, plenty of time with the family for the holidays.

I'd probably go crazy too without work but I still have lots to do around the farm.

Time off for me just means I don't have to drive anywhere.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Wifey is off from 12-24 -1-2-14.. I predict day 2 she will be wanting to go back to work.. :)
Today is hub's last day for the year :D WOOT! Oh and I accidentally hot boxed him in the car the other day.... oops..... I didn't open the window (to cold), and the last time he smoked was well awhile ago so he has no tolerance and yeah that was fun LOL


Undercover Mod
I have to work a 15.5 hour shift on my Birthday.... First time my birthday has been on a Saturday in fir-ever and I have to work Christmas day but I get 2 and 1/2 time


Well-Known Member
another batch of Pumpkin Spice cookies.. love this time of year.. been about a week since I smoked some MJ..

another cup of coffee and 2 cookies and I should be a ball of energy


Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
so have been looking at chromecast.. since gigs mentioned it.. just did some more research on it.. and getting bummed out on what I thought was gonna be a cool device..

so the chromecast does not take video's you have on your pc/smart phone/tablet etc and then cast them to your tv like I originally thought.. it will just cast youtube/netflix and some web pages correct? so hand helf games from a tablet wont be able to be played on the tv and videos other then those few..? that are castable?
People are still developing for it, you need wireless to stream movies to the chromecast(doesnt work over lan as far as i can see) so a laptop works well. When you use the chrome broswer with the chromecast extension press ctl+o to open local files or network files in chrome to stream to your chromecast. Someone will likely build an app for that eventually i think it likely had to do with the content providers demands that google not do it themselves.


Well-Known Member
When I was younger about 14 or so I was working on base.. ended up catching the rare ride with dad to work.. he had to stop off at his office to pick up some cartons of smokes he bought.. we walk into the office dad's in full attire.. (dad was a e-8 crypto tech instructor) watching the MP's snap straight and salute him was a kick in the shorts..

then we got the office.. doors are opened by 2 MP's he walks into the room does his security check past the front desk.. where I stayed.. did and eye scan.. this was in the 80's he swears I did not see it.. later admitted perhaps it was an eye scan.. anyhow doors open up more guards in there... He tells me the last time he was here that he was issued a C.W.P and always kept the gun at work.. Dad knew some scary crap for sure...

Why would anyone salute a E8???? NCO