Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
I couldn't resist taking this picture on hwy 37 in Manchester Township, NJ. Pretty much expresses my opinion of chain restaurants.



Well-Known Member

So, I'm following an article on the DNA of a rare flower -- a pre-modern evolution flower. And it reminds me that the Platypus is also a pre-modern evolution "leftover." I go to the wiki, I'm checking it out, I see a pic! Oooh, Platypus picture, cool! And then BAM BOOGER EATER 2 o'clock!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
someone's pissed?

I would be if I was her too. This is at Nelson Mandela's funeral. Bottom left last pic, note the woman bawling her eyes out. Joking around and posing for pics at a funeral is a tad disrespectful, and if I was her I would be embarrassed as all hell. I mean at the reception or something sure, of course the whole world was using this one as a photo opportunity. But at least bloody PRETEND you have respect for the guy in the coffin. Then again, probably just how I was raised.


Well-Known Member
Clearly the fresh prince of DC (Obama) knew that Mandella died back in June, and that this event was all a charade to covertly gather all these leaders in S Africa

I would be if I was her too. This is at Nelson Mandela's funeral. Bottom left last pic, note the woman bawling her eyes out. Joking around and posing for pics at a funeral is a tad disrespectful, and if I was her I would be embarrassed as all hell. I mean at the reception or something sure, of course the whole world was using this one as a photo opportunity. But at least bloody PRETEND you have respect for the guy in the coffin. Then again, probably just how I was raised.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
A married couple was in a terrible accident where the man's face was severely burned.
The doctor told the husband that they couldn't graft any skin from his
body because he was too skinny.

So the wife offered to donate some of her own skin. However, the only skin on her
body that the doctor felt was suitable would have to come from her buttocks.

The husband and wife agreed that they would tell no one about where the skin came
from, and they requested that the doctor also honour their secret. After all, this
was a very delicate matter.

After the surgery was completed, everyone was astounded at the man's newface.

He looked more handsome than he ever had before! All his friends and relatives just
went on and on about his youthful looks!

One day, he was alone with his wife, and he was overcome with emotion at her
sacrifice. He said, 'Dear, I just want to thank you for everything you did for me.
How can I possibly repay you?'

'My darling,' she replied, 'I get all the thanks I need every time I see your
mother kiss you on the cheek.'