Duck Dynasty Plucked

I guess that's what I get with auto correct.
Just curious, if I was a leftie and agreed with your politics, would you even have bothered?
Never mind, I already know the answer.

Please check my posts, I am fairly neutral. I am simply not a fan of folks who can't spell or properly use English and blather on in these forums and have said so repeatedly. Auto correct.....Really?
Please check my posts, I am fairly neutral. I am simply not a fan of folks who can't spell or properly use English and blather on in these forums. Auto correct.....Really?

I'll remember that in the future and watch myself, but don't you those skills of yours are being wasted by being on a stoner forum?

And yes, auto correct, really.
This is another example of blatant Christian hypocrisy. Again, Jesus said it best: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." God doesn't care about your complying with the law man made, so why does the church make such a fuss about it?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your parents bought the toys, not Santa.
christianity is just fine, it is people that distort christianity to spread bigotry and hatred that are the problem.

in other words, people just like you.

Christianity ain't fine. It's a cult whose leaders are taking advantage of the mentally ill. The Earth is more than thousands years old, for one.
Nope can't even boil an egg, but I will learn if that's the entrance fee. I want a hat though, like a chefs hat or something.

i will rub buttery pancakes upon your taut sphincter and penetrate you with a habitrail. hamster is optional.
i will rub buttery pancakes upon your taut sphincter and penetrate you with a habitrail. hamster is optional.

Lmao, Buck you better stop this man, you getting me all worked up, I am old so when the blood rushes out of my big head into the little head, I feel a bit feint. (Didn't know what a habitrail is, so I google it) You really know how to show a guy a good time, this is going to be fun, pancakes, pancake butter and a plastic toy thingy.... I have a very tight sphincter so you going have to go slow and take your time and don't forget to massage first.
I don't get it either. The worst thing he said was that it was a sin, which from a Christian perspective it clearly is. But the bible teaches to love the sinner. Phil didn't say anything, that I have seen, bad about gay people. He said he didn't understand how a man could prefer another man's anus over the female vagina; a sentiment I share. I've had both, the vagina wins hands down.
Or a woman's anus. That's always one of the funner parts of a new relationship. The good old "testing of the waters" The shower slip is my favorite :lol:
Its more about the television company worried about ads being pulled. If they look like they agree at all they could lose sponsors or viewers. And you gotta remember, beastiality is very common where they're from. Not as offensive as it seems.
Zomg, everyone who says all leftists feel this way or that way are about as retarded as saying what Phil said was wrong..
Don't you understand you're just as prejudiced as the very people you're trying to slam making blanket statements that everyone on the left feels this way or that way??
I'm so far to the.left it's not even funny, and I'm not even close to being offended by what was said it's not even funny.. do I agree with it? Umm, I'm an atheist, so the answer is a big no, but am I shocked that a southern Christian feels this way?? Of course not..
i'm in love..will you father my children?:wink:
The argument is not about government forcing birth control on Christians, it's about the government forcing Christians to pay for other peoples birth control.

prescription medications are included pre-aca as well as post-aca..birth control will now be offered without a co-pay as a component of the 10 basic points of aren't paying for an employer your contribution is usually no more than 50%..employee pays 50% as well, so just who's share covers the non-existent copay? the employer? the employee? that can be argued..who's business is it anyway what prescriptions you get? suggestion..hire only barren christians and your problem is solved..but you see you can't do just pretend that if an employee elects birth control for whatever therapeutic reason, and there are many other than an employer, its none of your employee's medical information is much as rightie wants small goverment, no taxes mentality..they sure love to concern themselves with controlling a women and her vagina, word vomiting religion all over the place..guys, the '50's are long you know what religion lefties and progressives are?..they're the same religion as rightie..not everyone on the left is atheist..we just don't push our personal religious beliefs onto others and bring into the work place and for that matter, politics..that's righties gig and since there is no factual evidence that religion is nothing more than parable how can you force others, who do not share the same belief in running a country based upon myth?
Hmmm.... lots of name calling and slap fights going on here.

Phil Roberston has the right to express his opinions, no matter how hateful or non-hateful they might be and A&E has the right to decide what programming they show and how much support they want to offer to their employees when they make controversial claims.

I think one of the main reasons people are offended is because homosexuality was compared to a bunch of things that are choices. If you're gay, you're gay there's no choice involved, so stating 'gays should go to hell' is condemning a group of people who had no choice in the way they are biologically configured. If you want to cheat on your wife, that's a decision you make to be unfaithful (not to mention a marriage is a legally standing contract you make a conscious decision of signing). IMO, the comparison is rather insulting to gay people, so I can see why gay people would be insulted by his comments.

Do I agree with the super-sensitivity A&E is showing? (I mean the article was in GQ not on A&E) No, not really but I don't agree that being gay is a sin either.

The other remarks he made about black people being happier without civil rights and with segregation being in place are more demeaning , IMO. Pretty bold statement telling an entire group of people (that you don't belong to) when they were happiest. Even bolder when that 'time' was when that group of people were considered inferior and weren't allowed to associate with whites under most circumstances.

How far should freedom of speech protect you? It should mean you shouldn't go to jail or be harmed because of your beliefs. It doesn't mean you are protected from losing your job for being an asshole, or that you're safe from hearing free speech from people that disagree with you. It also doesn't mean that actions are without consequence because you're legally entitled to your own opinion.

Freedom of speech =/= no consequences for what you say.