desert dude
Well-Known Member
How do you view insurance then? Maybe it's me, but I think it's always been a type of tax. My car insurance makes money off me and its mandated. My health insurance makes money off me and its mandated. If it were up to me, I dunno if I would buy both these things. I dunno I guess I just look at it as money that I could have except the government says I have to spend it on these things. Kinda like a tax. I personally don't like my health insurance company paying out for obese, alcoholic, chain-smokers, but they do. And with gusto as thats how they make the most money. Should I be able to opt out because my beliefs say we shouldn't be spending millions of dollars on end of life care for those that never cared for their lives?
If the first amendment said, "Congress shall make no law that offers aid and comfort to fat, ugly people", then you would have a legitimate argument.
I am only mildly being a smart ass here. Religion and its free exercise is a special case, and it is black letter law. Why not just make it illegal to practice Catholicism in the US since its principles are not conformed to ACA?
We got into a shooting war when we revolted against unjust rule by the British. Every step down the path of fascism puts us closer to another revolt.
Many young, healthy people did not buy health insurance, and many will continue to forgo it.