Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
dank, i missed that post, i guess. i missed your question too. i'll try the contest, but i need to know the rules. i have been 12/12 from seed, but would change if needed, as they are still in natural veg at the moment. i know i'm already behind, cause of the cfls.
Its all good bro. Yeah, its no rules really. Just a friendly little side by side. There is already a nice list of growers that's going to be conducting it along with me. The seed/strain start date was 12/17 (Saturday). Was planning on vegging for 5 weeks, then all flipping at the same time. :mrgreen: Veg 24/24 light schedule, then on the flip 12/12 flowering period. If you could, that be great. Asking everyone to post there pictures here, I also believe a few have started separate threads on theirs as well. I may start a new thread for mine (Green Crack). Just depends on if I think I can keep up with it on a new thread or not. Will see. :)


Well-Known Member
Its all good. ;) Your right on schedule if they are just now cracking, germinating. I believe there is 1 that has a head jump on us that's using 12/12 from seed. I seen that night b4 last. I believe its 1 of the newer fellers.
I'm still waiting to put mine in the rapid rooter plug, I think she's about ready I put her on top of my xbox earlier then I read your post and was like hahaha you did the same thing, Is it okay that I'm running behind everyone?


Well-Known Member
i like pic #18, that's a good shot.
Thanks bro. Yeah thats Green Love Potion. ;) She sure is smelling super good!!

** Just got in another seed order from my good buddy in UK** He sent me 1 strain that seems like she could be a WINNER! Well, they all sound good from what Ive read on them all. But guys, this 1 just seems unreal!!! HAs anyone ever seen/read about "Tutankhamun" :??: She is believed to have the highest, or close to the highest THC content I've EVER read about!!!!! 34%


Well-Known Member
Its all good bro. Yeah, its no rules really. Just a friendly little side by side. There is already a nice list of growers that's going to be conducting it along with me. The seed/strain start date was 12/17 (Saturday). Was planning on vegging for 5 weeks, then all flipping at the same time. :mrgreen: Veg 24/24 light schedule, then on the flip 12/12 flowering period. If you could, that be great. Asking everyone to post there pictures here, I also believe a few have started separate threads on theirs as well. I may start a new thread for mine (Green Crack). Just depends on if I think I can keep up with it on a new thread or not. Will see. :)
Hey Dank can we do 18/6 for veg also or no?


Well-Known Member
** Just got in another seed order from my good buddy in UK** He sent me 1 strain that seems like she could be a WINNER! Well, they all sound good from what Ive read on them all. But guys, this 1 just seems unreal!!! HAs anyone ever seen/read about "Tutankhamun" :??: She is believed to have the highest, or close to the highest THC content I've EVER read about!!!!! 34%
I say you get to making seeds of this quick haha. :-P

I'm all about that strong. And that's crazy!


Well-Known Member
I say you get to making seeds of this quick haha. :-P

I'm all about that strong. And that's crazy!
Hell yeah, I plan on it. ;) Have you ever seen/read about her :??: when I seen the packing list, I have never read about this particular one. But he is syaing she is the MOST potent shit he has ever ran across. And to be in the UK and to say that about 1 strain, I would say its super good if he is saying all that!


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. Yeah thats Green Love Potion. ;) She sure is smelling super good!!

** Just got in another seed order from my good buddy in UK** He sent me 1 strain that seems like she could be a WINNER! Well, they all sound good from what Ive read on them all. But guys, this 1 just seems unreal!!! HAs anyone ever seen/read about "Tutankhamun" :??: She is believed to have the highest, or close to the highest THC content I've EVER read about!!!!! 34%
I think I've heard of that before myself. The ones that sell for a hundred bucks a seed or something like that. Saw someone post about it and I told them it seemed like a rip off. Maybe I gave out bad info. Let me kno what's up with that once u get a chance to grow it out


Well-Known Member
well, I had told everyone 24/24 from start. But if your doing it bc of light bill I understand. I would rather it be 24/24. However if you just cant swing that schedule I understand. It would be ok if not.
Man i hate to be the only one doing 18/6 for veg and the electric bill has a lot to to with it, I'm Getting strap for cash withe holidays and all plus I'm running the 400w this time around, I want to see the difference in the price change on my bill compared to using the cfls


Well-Known Member
Noted you didn't "like" my update. lol. Is something wrong with it :??: haha
I did! I was on my cell phone though and it didn't go through right away. Guess it didn't stick :( sorry
they are gorgeous as always!!!! that pink pheno PV is looking so dank! and I didn't see a name on one of them but it was near the middle..I'll find it again hang on...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've seen & was "given" seeds/strains that sale for more then 10,000$ a pack. lol IMO NO strain is worth that much. But hey, if my buddy in the UK wants to fork them over to me, i'm surely not complaining. :mrgreen:
I think I've heard of that before myself. The ones that sell for a hundred bucks a seed or something like that. Saw someone post about it and I told them it seemed like a rip off. Maybe I gave out bad info. Let me kno what's up with that once u get a chance to grow it out


Well-Known Member
Man i hate to be the only one doing 18/6 for veg and the electric bill has a lot to to with it, I'm Getting strap for cash withe holidays and all plus I'm running the 400w this time around, I want to see the difference in the price change on my bill compared to using the cfls
let me know how that turns out because I may hold off on getting a HPS for a while.


Well-Known Member
I'm still doing 18/6 man. I might have to drop out midway through if my plants aren't big enough for my liking at 5 weeks of veg, but we'll see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
well, I had told everyone 24/24 from start. But if your doing it bc of light bill I understand. I would rather it be 24/24. However if you just cant swing that schedule I understand. It would be ok if not.
that santa is SUPER creepy...won't get anyone to sit in his lap for sure! haha


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of Tutankhamun before but with the little research I've done since you mentioned it makes me want to pop some in the dirt now and say the hell with everything else and grow that for the rest of my life. :lol: :eyesmoke: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Man i hate to be the only one doing 18/6 for veg and the electric bill has a lot to to with it, I'm Getting strap for cash withe holidays and all plus I'm running the 400w this time around, I want to see the difference in the price change on my bill compared to using the cfls
Its all good. If that's the reason then don't worry about it bro. Just a friendly side by side is all. No worries. You know, I have seen allot of folks/growers say that using HPS/MH jacks there bills up through the roof! I believe it all has to do with 2 things. Lighting schedule, and also the type of ballasts that's pushing the lights. I have 2 of each HPS (1,000 watts) & also a 600 watt MH + a 800 watt LED running, not to mention CFL'S. And honestly, Ive only seen on average a 15 to 20$ increase over "winter months" mind you. So IMO that's not bad at all to be pushing that many watts. 1 thing I really think that's helping me out a shit ton is " I veg under CFL'S, 24/24" & my higher wattage lights are only on a 12/12 running period. So that's more then likely why im not seeing a big increase on the light bill. ;) Maybe you could go that route if $$ is an issue for you bro.. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Its all good. ;) Just giving you a hard time, like you do me.. hahaha just wait, its going to get deep in here.. lmao..
I did! I was on my cell phone though and it didn't go through right away. Guess it didn't stick :( sorry
they are gorgeous as always!!!! that pink pheno PV is looking so dank! and I didn't see a name on one of them but it was near the middle..I'll find it again hang on...
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