Duck Dynasty Plucked

no, i rather enjoy being white, and all the privilege that comes with it.

you don't need to be gay to point out hateful and ugly anti-gay bigotry.

you don't need to be black to be offended when someone like you attempts to demean someone by calling them a nigga.

all that is required is a conscience and a decent moral compass.

that is something that hateful bigots like you lack.

What do you need to be to condemn an American man who peacefully follows his own conscience and the teachings of his religion. I'm just spit balling here, but anti-constitution fascist?
What do you need to be to condemn an American man who peacefully follows his own conscience and the teachings of his religion. I'm just spit balling here, but anti-constitution fascist?

so basically you're saying "leave him alone buck, he was just being a good nazi".

i am exercising my first amendment rights to condemn his ugly and hateful anti-gay bigotry.

you are trying to imply that it is unconstitutional and fascist for me to speak out against bigotry.

while i'm sure you would like that, as it would certainly preclude me from mentioning things like your membership in white supremacy clubs and your hatred of civil rights, that is not the case.

in fact, i'm pretty sure that you just pulled fascism out of your ass there.

i'm sorry that you're a racist bigot and don't like it when other americans speak out against racist bigots like you, but learn to accept it.
so basically you're saying "leave him alone buck, he was just being a good nazi".

i am exercising my first amendment rights to condemn his ugly and hateful anti-gay bigotry.

you are trying to imply that it is unconstitutional and fascist for me to speak out against bigotry.

while i'm sure you would like that, as it would certainly preclude me from mentioning things like your membership in white supremacy clubs and your hatred of civil rights, that is not the case.

in fact, i'm pretty sure that you just pulled fascism out of your ass there.

i'm sorry that you're a racist bigot and don't like it when other americans speak out against racist bigots like you, but learn to accept it.

Robertson did not compare homosexual sex with bestiality, as is being reported. He simply pointed out that both were sins. Condemn him all you like, just be honest about it. Your condemnation ought to be that you think religion, specifically Christianity, is a load of crap and is ugly and hateful.

A&E has the absolute right to fire the whole gaggle of ducks. From what I have read, though, Duck Dynasty is the most popular show on cable TV, so let's see how A&E's political correctness plays out for them. I have an absolute right to spend my money to protest the sappy liberals hatred of American institutions. That's why Chick Fil A's income soared after your gang tried to demonize them. The owners of Hobby Lobby have a first amendment right to run their business in accordance with their religious beliefs, and the government is constrained from injecting responsibilities that contravene those religious beliefs.
i've got to try that out when i'm back in san jose again.

probably one of the most unique defenses of your racism that i have seen yet.

I'd like to be there when you do it, with that lily white skin of yours, there's no telling how many teeth you'll spit out.
Robertson did not compare homosexual sex with bestiality, as is being reported. He simply pointed out that both were sins. Condemn him all you like, just be honest about it. Your condemnation ought to be that you think religion, specifically Christianity, is a load of crap and is ugly and hateful.

A&E has the absolute right to fire the whole gaggle of ducks. From what I have read, though, Duck Dynasty is the most popular show on cable TV, so let's see how A&E's political correctness plays out for them. I have an absolute right to spend my money to protest the sappy liberals hatred of American institutions. That's why Chick Fil A's income soared after your gang tried to demonize them. The owners of Hobby Lobby have a first amendment right to run their business in accordance with their religious beliefs, and the government is constrained from injecting responsibilities that contravene those religious beliefs.

see, i completely agree wtih desert dude here, and instead of being pissed at phil, i simply think all of christianity is a load of bull shit, and refuse it all lock stock and barrel..
the nazi thing is also kind of lame imo, as nazi's are known to be pretty much a hateful group, while christians, are meant to be loving, and follow the word of the bible.. my problem is with the bible.. it's a load of bullshit imvho.
like my friend who said the other day all i had to do was believe in jesus and i'd get into heaven.. never mind the fact that the person saying it to me is one of the most hateful, bigoted, racist people i know, but he believes, so he'll get into heaven, while me, who tries to be accepting of everyone, and tries to be loving and kind in this life, and not worry about what happens when i die, won't get into heaven.. sounds like a load of bullshit to me, which is why i am an atheist, and simply try and be the best racerboy i can just for today, right now, fuck what happens when i die..
see, i completely agree wtih desert dude here, and instead of being pissed at phil, i simply think all of christianity is a load of bull shit, and refuse it all lock stock and barrel..
the nazi thing is also kind of lame imo, as nazi's are known to be pretty much a hateful group, while christians, are meant to be loving, and follow the word of the bible.. my problem is with the bible.. it's a load of bullshit imvho.
like my friend who said the other day all i had to do was believe in jesus and i'd get into heaven.. never mind the fact that the person saying it to me is one of the most hateful, bigoted, racist people i know, but he believes, so he'll get into heaven, while me, who tries to be accepting of everyone, and tries to be loving and kind in this life, and not worry about what happens when i die, won't get into heaven.. sounds like a load of bullshit to me, which is why i am an atheist, and simply try and be the best racerboy i can just for today, right now, fuck what happens when i die..

What is weird about the leftist agenda is that it has made me sympathetic to religious beliefs. I am an atheist, I think all the world's religions are simply superstitions, but watching the American left demonize Christian religious practices, odd that they generally rush to the rescue of Islam, has made me align myself with religion. I think the real agenda is to destroy the constitution because they just can't abide any restrictions on the growth of governmental power, particularly federal governmental power. I suspect than many atheists think as I do on this.
What is weird about the leftist agenda is that it has made me sympathetic to religious beliefs. I am an atheist, I think all the world's religions are simply superstitions, but watching the American left demonize Christian religious practices, odd that they generally rush to the rescue of Islam, has made me align myself with religion. I think the real agenda is to destroy the constitution because they just can't abide any restrictions on the growth of governmental power, particularly federal governmental power. I suspect than many atheists think as I do on this.

I am an atheist and I think that you are delusional. There is no leftist agenda except in your head. Nobody is demonizing anyones religion: they are just saying that it is a fairy tail and that opinion doesn't sit well with some people. Nobody is trying to destroy any constitutions or grow the government any bigger. Where the hell do you get these ideas?
I am an atheist and I think that you are delusional. There is no leftist agenda except in your head. Nobody is demonizing anyones religion: they are just saying that it is a fairy tail and that opinion doesn't sit well with some people. Nobody is trying to destroy any constitutions or grow the government any bigger. Where the hell do you get these ideas?

I got these ideas from watching the socialization of medicine in this country, mostly perpetrated by the left.

The first amendment to the constitution, the VERY FIRST ONE, guarantees freedom of religion. Catholics believe that contraception is a mortal sin, yet they are being forced to pay for contraception for their employees. If you don't think that is a wound to the constitution then it is you that is delusional.
I am an atheist and I think that you are delusional. There is no leftist agenda except in your head. Nobody is demonizing anyones religion: they are just saying that it is a fairy tail and that opinion doesn't sit well with some people. Nobody is trying to destroy any constitutions or grow the government any bigger. Where the hell do you get these ideas?

lol, yeah, i'm a leftist atheist, and my only agenda is pretty much live and let live, and try and be a better person than i was yesterday, and to love and support my family, and the people closest to me.. :D
I got these ideas from watching the socialization of medicine in this country, mostly perpetrated by the left.

The first amendment to the constitution, the VERY FIRST ONE, guarantees freedom of religion. Catholics believe that contraception is a mortal sin, yet they are being forced to pay for contraception for their employees. If you don't think that is a wound to the constitution then it is you that is delusional.

they're not being forced to pay for contraception for their employees, where do you get this from?? at my job, i don't get free birth control pills or condoms with my companies logo printed on them or anything..
i know you're going to say o'care, but again, a fail, imvho.. just because insurance co's provide birth control to the women gender, they also provide prostate exams to men, if they wish.. if you don't want birth control, don't get it, it's only something offered by insurance co's, much like prostate exams..
I am an atheist and I think that you are delusional. There is no leftist agenda except in your head. Nobody is demonizing anyones religion: they are just saying that it is a fairy tail and that opinion doesn't sit well with some people. Nobody is trying to destroy any constitutions or grow the government any bigger. Where the hell do you get these ideas?

This is funny, your comments confirm that you are either turning a blind eye to the left's hatred towards Christianity, or are delusional yourself.
Jesus said it best: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? [SUP]4 [/SUP]How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? [SUP]5 [/SUP]You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." Christians should focus more on what Jesus said, since he was supposedly divine and all, and less on what Paul later said about it, since Paul was just a man who never even met Jesus. The idea that the entire text of the bible was inspired and is infallible serves as an excuse to equate Paul's restrictive message with Jesus' inclusive one; it is a shallow justification for the exact hypocrisy that Jesus condemned.

I think a true Christian, with even a basic understanding of Christianity and grounding in the actual words and teachings of Jesus, would quote that verse from Matthew rather than making a list of sins. I notice this man listed off what he views as the faults of other people rather than listing anything currently applicable to him, and that is incredibly telling. According to Jesus, Robertson is a hypocrite. According to me, he doesn't understand basic precepts of the faith he claims to be promoting.

Instead of defending the man, Christians should be standing up and saying "You don't speak for us." That they aren't proves that they're just as ignorant and hypocritical.
This is funny, your comments confirm that you are either turning a blind eye to the left's hatred towards Christianity, or are delusional yourself.

i must be an odd ball, i hate christianity, but don't really have an issue with what he said.. it's what he was taught to believe by reading the bible, so therefore, my issue lies more with the bible, than the person who thinks they're trying to be a good person and do what it says, and believes the bible word for word, which i happen to think is a bit nutty, but hey, i'm sure my calling heaven fairy tale land is a bit nutty, to each their own imo..
and again, it all comes down to that word sin, which i happen to think is a load of horse shit, therefore saying gays are sinners has just about as much power to me as saying i won't get into heaven because i don't believe in jesus..
they're not being forced to pay for contraception for their employees, where do you get this from?? at my job, i don't get free birth control pills or condoms with my companies logo printed on them or anything..
i know you're going to say o'care, but again, a fail, imvho.. just because insurance co's provide birth control to the women gender, they also provide prostate exams to men, if they wish.. if you don't want birth control, don't get it, it's only something offered by insurance co's, much like prostate exams..

As a matter of religious belief, the insurance provided by the Catholic church to their employees specifically excludes contraceptives. ACA requires that contraceptives be included. If you tell the pope he has to pay for birth control pills, condoms, and abortions, and he can just shove his religious convictions up his ass, then you have wounded the constitution. Insurance companies do not provide coverage for stuff "they wish", insurance companies provide coverage for stuff they are paid to cover.

This comment is made by me, an atheist who whole heartedly supports contraception and mostly supports abortion.

Prostate exams are irrelevant in this discussion.
As a matter of religious belief, the insurance provided by the Catholic church to their employees specifically excludes contraceptives. ACA requires that contraceptives be included. If you tell the pope he has to pay for birth control pills, condoms, and abortions, and he can just shove his religious convictions up his ass, then you have wounded the constitution. Insurance companies do not provide coverage for stuff "they wish", insurance companies provide coverage for stuff they are paid to cover.

This comment is made by me, an atheist who whole heartedly supports contraception and mostly supports abortion.

Prostate exams are irrelevant in this discussion.

idk, i disagree, being an american, naturally you end up paying for shit we don't believe in.. i'm an also pretty much a pacifist, and is it therefore against my religious believes that my taxes go for a defense budget, being i don't really think we need to be spending more on the military than the next like 20 countries combined, and after all, i'm a pacificist and all..
we, american people, are forced to pay for all kinds of shit we might not agree with, but i'd not call that unconstitutional.. it's not like the pope who might now be forced to pay for birth control, is being forced to buy and use it, which imo, would be unconstitutional..
As a matter of religious belief, the insurance provided by the Catholic church to their employees specifically excludes contraceptives. ACA requires that contraceptives be included. If you tell the pope he has to pay for birth control pills, condoms, and abortions, and he can just shove his religious convictions up his ass, then you have wounded the constitution. Insurance companies do not provide coverage for stuff "they wish", insurance companies provide coverage for stuff they are paid to cover.

This comment is made by me, an atheist who whole heartedly supports contraception and mostly supports abortion.

Prostate exams are irrelevant in this discussion.

This is another example of blatant Christian hypocrisy. Again, Jesus said it best: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." God doesn't care about your complying with the law man made, so why does the church make such a fuss about it?