Early Development Stages- Any advice or help would be appreciated!


New Member

  • Yo so I'm growing this plant in a cardboard box, it has proper ventilation, 7 cfl lights ranging from 14W-23W, being fed mostly molasses water (1tblspn per gallon). This is what it looks like so far. I'm a first time indoor grower, so let me know what you think!! Also let me know if the plant itself looks healthy. thanks :leaf: View attachment 2933258View attachment 2933259View attachment 2933260

    Also is there any way I can lower the ph of my water? or does molasses already do that?



Well-Known Member

Guess it depends, how old is it? I veg my plants for 4 weeks under a hid n harvest 3.5-4.5 OZs a plant. Have no problems with that


Well-Known Member
wow thats awesome good for you man. Its been like 4 days... but the seed was barely germinated when I planted it.
Yeah, veg time n medium is a major factor n determining final yield, GPW means nothing. A plant grown n inert medium with synthetic nutes will nearly alway yield more than the same plant in a soil medium.