Cardboard box growing advice pls! Take a look at my set up.


New Member
Pls take a look at my setup and lemme know if it can work out. Any advice or tips. I'm using 2 19W 5500 spectrum cfls, 1 14w cfl, and 2 23W warm colored cfls. Thanks niggas :leaf:

I'm planning on topping and bending a lot so it can fit.


98 total watts, will be ok veggin, and using topping and lst you should be able to make your space work. when it comes to flowering you are gonna want to add some supplemental lighting if possible, but it can be done, good luck man. I've got a cab going now theres a journal of it, if you want to check it


New Member
yeee man thanks. I'm going to buy an extra 40W bulb if not 2. You think it should turn out fairly dank? Yeah I'll check it right now


Well-Known Member
id use wood and wallboard to prevent a fire, that's just me.. if the cardboard gets wet or something there goes the strength and then you have a bulb touching it, risking a fire..
something more concrete is in order, IMO
but nice work!


New Member
word, I have wondered about the fire hazzard, but I figured cfls wouldn't get hot enough. but bettersafe than sorry, Ima look into that. thnx man
yeee man thanks. I'm going to buy an extra 40W bulb if not 2. You think it should turn out fairly dank? Yeah I'll check it right now
They say that more the merrier when it comes to cfls and flowering. And if your able to give it the proper environment and care for it I'm sure it will be quite decent. And Nizza has a point but I've lurked and seen some good cardboard box grows. Concord Dawn is a dude that knows what hes doing when it comes to cardboard box grows.


Well-Known Member
word, I have wondered about the fire hazzard, but I figured cfls wouldn't get hot enough. but bettersafe than sorry, Ima look into that. thnx man
Not trying to scare you but I had this happen to me so be careful [video=youtube;s_pNaFVHZEQ][/video]


New Member
Damn, close call for you... So far I touch the bases and everything, and its not toooo hot. I think its worked out for a lot of people, it should workout. What does anyone else think about this?


Well-Known Member
Damn, close call for you... So far I touch the bases and everything, and its not toooo hot. I think its worked out for a lot of people, it should workout. What does anyone else think about this?
That's what I said, I never knew that those bulbs could do that, I now have an extra fire extinguisher and smoke detectors


Well-Known Member
Damn, close call for you... So far I touch the bases and everything, and its not toooo hot. I think its worked out for a lot of people, it should workout. What does anyone else think about this?
Do you have any fans in there for circulation? And what are your temps like?


Well-Known Member
Great......about the CFL's catching fire. My nursery is full of them hanging upside down of course. Its on 18 hours a day and who the hell can be "watching" them all the time to prevent fire?
Worse yet, if it ever should happen and the cause of the fire is investigated and the source found.......thats not good at any level.


Well-Known Member
Great......about the CFL's catching fire. My nursery is full of them hanging upside down of course. Its on 18 hours a day and who the hell can be "watching" them all the time to prevent fire?
Worse yet, if it ever should happen and the cause of the fire is investigated and the source found.......thats not good at any level.
TBH those CFL looked like cheap shit compared to the ones here, I would not have trusted those CFL he had.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to scare you but I had this happen to me so be careful [video=youtube;s_pNaFVHZEQ][/video]
Damn dude, I use 6 42's for veg. in a cab always on when I leave. I got a smoke alarm right above it but that don't do shit other then make fuckin noise. Looks like imma try switching to those Cree bulbs for veg. I got em in my ceiling light and they are bright as fuck. That's scary shit. My cabs metal but still there is a tonne of shit in there that will burn.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
the bulbs emit light better to the plant if they are horizontal. i would also raise the plant pretty close to the cfls so it will minimize stretch.