2014 BBQ planning?.......

Well if i lived in the usa again i would defently donate 20 bucks just for the pig I love me some pig. Im amazed that people wouldnt attend the bbq.
sounds like it would be a blast. Im in australia now. No chance of that going on here. anyways kep the spirit up 20 dollars sounds good here is a photo
f the pig i did on charcoal. insperation.:):)

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Yeah, you'ed fit right in mate!
I guess I just don't understand jj. The only thing I would have liked more is if I would have slept better fri. Night. I like smaller more intiment gatherings. Yeah maybe a few other outsiders or campers would have been cool. But hey I had a hell of a time and got to know some great people. Even fri night with just fm, tws, and tycoon was great! Did you not enjoy yourself?Be easy brother, B.P.
I had a great time and didn't get enough time to spend a lot of time with everyone but I did spend a little bit with all. We need to have a two day feast ! There's some peeps I really wanted to meet that didn't come but maybe next time. They missed a great time and everyone there is awesome.
I guess I just don't understand jj. The only thing I would have liked more is if I would have slept better fri. Night. I like smaller more intiment gatherings. Yeah maybe a few other outsiders or campers would have been cool. But hey I had a hell of a time and got to know some great people. Even fri night with just fm, tws, and tycoon was great! Did you not enjoy yourself?Be easy brother, B.P.
Yeah, it was a fun weekend brother..........we just could have cooked a smaller pig!lol.....I really liked the trailer you rented, did everything go ok when you turned it in? Next time I think I will try to rent one for general use.....take care..
Yes everything was fine returning it and yes a general use one might be a good idea. Sorry I didn't even use the water or bathroom in it as I didn't want to deal with dumping. It was enouph to wipe it all down and sweep it out as well as getting it road ready after a long weekend. Being that it was a 2013 and so nice I was really worried about something getting broke ect. Anyone was welcome to use it in any way I did, a few people plugged phones in.. I also offered people to crash in it. Btw Huge thank you to 757 for the sweet blankets. I slept like a baby sat. night.. I enjoyed it... B.P.
Yes everything was fine returning it and yes a general use one might be a good idea. Sorry I didn't even use the water or bathroom in it as I didn't want to deal with dumping. It was enouph to wipe it all down and sweep it out as well as getting it road ready after a long weekend. Being that it was a 2013 and so nice I was really worried about something getting broke ect. Anyone was welcome to use it in any way I did, a few people plugged phones in.. I also offered people to crash in it. Btw Huge thank you to 757 for the sweet blankets. I slept like a baby sat. night.. I enjoyed it... B.P.
Yeah 757 Rocks!......
Yes everything was fine returning it and yes a general use one might be a good idea. Sorry I didn't even use the water or bathroom in it as I didn't want to deal with dumping. It was enouph to wipe it all down and sweep it out as well as getting it road ready after a long weekend. Being that it was a 2013 and so nice I was really worried about something getting broke ect. Anyone was welcome to use it in any way I did, a few people plugged phones in.. I also offered people to crash in it. Btw Huge thank you to 757 for the sweet blankets. I slept like a baby sat. night.. I enjoyed it... B.P.

I'll split the rv rental with you next time, at least the women could use the toilet. I'll come back early Sunday & help you dump & clean-up...
It can all be worked out bro. For $220 I'd just pay for a 2nd camper for general use, someone else would have to rent it and bring it out though.
If we get 30 people to show up next time and donate $20ea, we could rent an RV for general use, roast a pig, & buy firewood for the weekend....still be pot luck, bring your favorite side dish.....
If we get 30 people to show up next time and donate $20ea, we could rent an RV for general use, roast a pig, & buy firewood for the weekend....still be pot luck, bring your favorite side dish.....

I'm in the firewood business I would gladly donate a cord.

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I'm not blaming anyone but myself. It was my mistake......I fucked up.....I believed them.......

Are you kidding me? You did everything to make it happen, and it was awesome. You know how this community works. "Buyers are liars" and all that. Things come up and some people just flake. No big deal. It was nothing less than a success brother! Thank you!
I had way too much fun not to be at ALL the next ones!
Maybe a few extra trash cans down with the BBQ?
I'll pitch-in with sumthing cause next year I'll have a motorhome.
Maybe I won't get so lost, I mean really a 2 1/2 hr drive from Marysville?