The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hasn`t the tide changed worldwide in relation to cannabis.... i mean even or should that be especially the us after all the millions they`ve spent on the "war" against drugs.. and sure as usual ireland will probably be last in, i know there opening up the medicinal cannabis thing here soon as a trial with cancer patients so maybe they might see sence and open it up to joe soap so they can tax it, at least we won`t be criminalised for haveing a smoke...

have you noticed a change in people since it was legal over there md? as in the type of folks that would have been so anti cannabis and stounch about it, have they relaxed there veiws or has the dust settled so to speak?


Well-Known Member
@R3I@X: yeah AE gave you sound advice! It takes a lot of time to get your mojo down and once you do it just becomes habit and maybe trying new things once you get the basics down. And yeah just because a strain is expensive does not mean it is the best besides with hybrids you won't know what pheno you will get that is why me and my friends at the grow op pop several beans from about 3 or 4 different strains then run them and the strongest pheno makes the cut (no pun intended) and we keep a mother of each of the best pheno's and take cuts off her and clone them and then you can still get different pheno's from taking a cut from a mother even though it is coming from the same pheno mother doesn't mean it is going to be the same sometimes better sometimes not. With the chernobyl we did 4 or 5 runs can't remember and we named each run CH1, CH2, CH3, etc and the CH4 was the best but they were all good. We found an outstanding pheno with the BLZ Bud and it is called BLZ 3 and we are going to run 5 of them along with the other cuts of the other strains.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Im sticking with personal (4) 24 would defo get you done lol. I did the fim there on my og n dog went well but times like this I hate my lazy eye haha I looked pretty touched doing ladies defo smell, gf was like "I smell peppermint" I was like nah, U smell gang the same, learn best from my errors. Noticed my runoff is still low 6.2/3 was 5.8 but ill continue feeding it phed 6.5 as I was giving it higher ph to balance it out but a spot on fella from the English thread said to keep the water at 6.5 so I shall but of say my low ph is down to the soil being 6.3-4

not into measureing and all that chemmistry and magic hahahahahaha.... english guys are normally bang on that way tho so you should be cool, and sure if you don`t know jenks will hes into all that sceince bit...;)

i go by capfuls and drops hahahaha... its simple but it works...


Well-Known Member
I know its gonna take a long time but fuck I love it, even if i could never smoke again id still grow it...really gives you something positive to focus on n the people in the scene are REALLY HELPFUL. @AE Ming may not have gotten it legal but he's brought it to everyones attention, i hope you signed the petition i poted on here.
EDIT..yeah some laugh on there n real good info..lmao @ magic potions haha


Well-Known Member
hasn`t the tide changed worldwide in relation to cannabis.... i mean even or should that be especially the us after all the millions they`ve spent on the "war" against drugs.. and sure as usual ireland will probably be last in, i know there opening up the medicinal cannabis thing here soon as a trial with cancer patients so maybe they might see sence and open it up to joe soap so they can tax it, at least we won`t be criminalised for haveing a smoke...

have you noticed a change in people since it was legal over there md? as in the type of folks that would have been so anti cannabis and stounch about it, have they relaxed there veiws or has the dust settled so to speak?
Yes and no. Most people in the states are for medicinal and complete legalization but the south and the midwest are really religious and believe all the false information that is until they have a little one that has seizures everyday and the medicine they give them almost kills their little kid and the only thing that works is cannabis then they are for it. for the most part the west coast and north east coast are liberal with mj as well as colorado and michigan so the states is like a snowball right now to legalization. But states like texas will be the last to pull their heads out of there ass and realize how safe cannabis is and all the benefits it has.

actually we are running 25 cuts this time, we realized we had room for a couple more hence the mazar making the line up again but shit for an indica dom it takes about 11 weeks which weird for an indica


Well-Known Member
not into measureing and all that chemmistry and magic hahahahahaha.... english guys are normally bang on that way tho so you should be cool, and sure if you don`t know jenks will hes into all that sceince bit...;)

i go by capfuls and drops hahahaha... its simple but it works...
I'm telling you the lucas method is by far the best and cheapest. Very easy and concise. We still use it along with other things like KoolBloom liquid and KoolBloom Dry (I wouldn't use it till you get your stuff down as it can burn the shite out of your girls if you don't know what you are doing) now and we just recently started flushing and honestly it does make a difference for the taste after the cure.

The KoolBloom makes the buds explode like nothing i have ever seen!.

Oh yeah check out the site it has a lot of strain reviews and some of the most beautiful pics of buds and flowers I have ever seen!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I know its gonna take a long time but fuck I love it, even if i could never smoke again id still grow it...really gives you something positive to focus on n the people in the scene are REALLY HELPFUL. @AE Ming may not have gotten it legal but he's brought it to everyones attention, i hope you signed the petition i poted on here.
EDIT..yeah some laugh on there n real good info..lmao @ magic potions haha
once you get the first yeild in, and jarred up thats it, you will never be without the want to grow .. same here even if i couldn`t smoke it (but that`ll never happen)...

had a serious chat with an oncologist one of the days about the pain relief alone and he was saying but for the red tape hed have all his patients on a vape he coupldn`t find a reason not to, considering most of them would be terminal to within a year his take was "well why should they have to live in pain and discomfort for the time they have left" and all because of misunderstanding and propaganda ...


Well-Known Member
Another house raided in macroom I think, some ppl in their "late teens early thirties" estimated @ 100 grand(they probably had a veg tent) so many busts, think its still operation nitrogen which it targeting the big boys so were safe..for now


Well-Known Member
Ur bang on there ae, funny how they still haven't wised up to the possible cash boost the taxes on pot would inject into the economy but most likely they don't want to give a thumbs up to pot In case it affects their party in the next election...yay Ireland haha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Yes and no. Most people in the states are for medicinal and complete legalization but the south and the midwest are really religious and believe all the false information that is until they have a little one that has seizures everyday and the medicine they give them almost kills their little kid and the only thing that works is cannabis then they are for it. for the most part the west coast and north east coast are liberal with mj as well as colorado and michigan so the states is like a snowball right now to legalization. But states like texas will be the last to pull their heads out of there ass and realize how safe cannabis is and all the benefits it has.

actually we are running 25 cuts this time, we realized we had room for a couple more hence the mazar making the line up again but shit for an indica dom it takes about 11 weeks which weird for an indica

11 weeker must have great yeilds...

thers a ground swell of backing here and its been comeing along in leaps and bounds even from the simple traffic stop where you would be done for few joints now they`ll just run you and keep the smoke, in courts there seeing that it shouldn`t stop guys and gals from emigrating because of a conviction for personal smoke so its working its way up the ladder, and with professional people even comeing alongside (doctors) were catching up with the rest of the world, i think a big factor here is the church is still so interwoven with the older generation and our government that there sway is the tipping point of this argument, once there out of the equasion i feel things will move along smoother, they have already begun to habd over schools etc so they can be non- denominational etc...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah AE it was the Bubba 76 which is rare now. Now it is all pre 98 Bubba Kush.

got one left so defo take clones so... have to be next run, going all hazes this time, and with only 12/12 can`t keep a mother until i split the place into flower and veg its just so much easier for now o just hang the lamp and fire away...


Well-Known Member
Tbh I dunno if we are ever going to separate the church n state, its still illegal to blasphemy! But ur right with the progress, Ming got the backing of 3TDs...thats 3 more than we had :) so we may have lost the battle but the war (on drugs) is far from rather my kid smoked a vape than a cig.


Well-Known Member
@AE: yeah I am a big fan of haze's, nothing like a soaring sativa high. If you ever get the chance and stumble upon some chemdawg get it. It is my favorite as of now. like I said before I took one draw off my water pipe and I was pacing back and forth sweating for about 30 to 45 minutes until it peaked and then it was nice and manageable and the high lasted for a good 3 hours.

I do love the kushes and OG's they are great for an evening smoke watching a good movie!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Ur bang on there ae, funny how they still haven't wised up to the possible cash boost the taxes on pot would inject into the economy but most likely they don't want to give a thumbs up to pot In case it affects their party in the next election...yay Ireland haha

if it was down to just them taxing it then it would be in since head shops closed up, there no fools not where revenue is concerned, its the in between bits and working it out with the older crew, or there fodder for the election so you see you hit the nail on the head....

operation nitrogen (and they say cops have no sence of humor) .....;)


Well-Known Member
@md, that link has some amazing tric pics! ....Yeah, id say only the ppl growing it n some of the cops get it haha

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
@AE: yeah I am a big fan of haze's, nothing like a soaring sativa high. If you ever get the chance and stumble upon some chemdawg get it. It is my favorite as of now. like I said before I took one draw off my water pipe and I was pacing back and forth sweating for about 30 to 45 minutes until it peaked and then it was nice and manageable and the high lasted for a good 3 hours.

love to be able to be stoned for that long, i`ve abused weed for so long now that i rarely get "that high" sure i get stoned but just stoned never sweats or laugh at silly things, i`d love weed that could get me that messed p, the bubba was the last weed that really "did" it for me as in one joint and maybe an hour later i`d snap out of the tele with a half spliff and cold cup of tea beside me hahahahaha...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Tbh I dunno if we are ever going to separate the church n state, its still illegal to blasphemy! But ur right with the progress, Ming got the backing of 3TDs...thats 3 more than we had :) so we may have lost the battle but the war (on drugs) is far from rather my kid smoked a vape than a cig.

its happening, as usual its a slow process here and its going to take ages with red tape but its started a few months ago with the schools....

go to go change a dressing, back in a bit fellas...


Well-Known Member
You guys familiar with Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ra? I'm sure you are. House of Pain put that in one of their songs can't remember which one.